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Adriбn Ibarra

-Kickapoo Wellness Center


El Eagle Pass News Gram también se topó con el Senador Estatal Carlos Uresti que también nos dio su opinión sobre las recientes preocupaciones expresadas por miembros del personal jubilado Escolar del Condado de Maverick de los fondos cada vez más escasos en el Sistema de Jubilación de Maestros.

"Esta próxima sesión legislativa que vamos a mirar una vez más muy de cerca a los beneficios de jubilación para nuestros maestros y de sus pensiones así", dijo el legislador del Estado que estaba en la ciudad para la inauguración del nuevo Edificio Administrativo KTTT, Centro de Bienestar y Clínica, "A menudo nos encontramos en una situación difícil, cuando el legislador trata de hacernos elegir entre docentes en servicio activo y maestros jubilados y que no debemos hacer eso. nuestros maestros jubilados han servido con honor y han tenido el cuidado de nuestros hijos por muchos muchos año ".

Uresti dice que es lo menos que la legislatura puede hacer para asegurar que sus beneficios y sus pensiones son estables y sonido.

"Ellos también merecen un aumento por el costo de vida, así, para que puedan tener un salario digno."

Le preguntamos si estaba a favor de una mayor contribución de la palmadita del estado para aliviar los crecientes costos de atención de la salud.


A.D. Ibarra

-Kickapoo Wellness Center


The Eagle Pass News Gram caught up with US Congressman Elect Will Hurd this past week and we touched upon several pressing issues as well as his plans upon taking office on January 6th.

"I will be on the Homeland Security Committee and I'll Co-Chair the Maritime Sub-Committee, so getting a Border Security Pass and making sure that border security and international commerce facilitate the movement of goods and services," stated Mr. Hurd the former CIA agent who won a heated race against Pete Gallego in November, "If we can secure our borders and with what's getting ready to happen in Mexico with more energy trade, that's really going to be one of our first priorities here."

When asked if his job as Co-Chair of the maritime Sub-Committee dealt with the famous ten miles of coastline along the Gulf of Mexico which have added to the $60 Billion Public School Fund, he had the following to add:

"It does.The Department of Homeland Security is focusing on all that.We need to protect ourselves from those that would do us harm, but also not stopping the commerce.I want to see Eagle Pass become the hub and the center of commerce with Mexico.This is important and Eagle Pass should be playing a role."


A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


The ribbon cutting for three new facilities  at the Kickapoo reservation was held Friday morning. Local dignitaries and several key elected officials were on hand to witness the historic event.

KTTT Chairman Juan Garza opened the ceremonies by welcoming a large of crowd of local leaders and businessmen. 


"As the Chairman of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for attending this ceremony and sharing another milestone in the progress of the tribe," stated Kisisika. Michael S. Black, Director of the Bureau of Indian Affairs was not present, but sent his well wishes in a letter read by a representative of the BIA for Southern Plains.

Also present at this very important event were Congressman Elect Will Hurd, Texas Senator Carlos Uresti and State Representative Alfonso Nevarez.




A.D. Ibarra

-Maverick County


Maverick County Auditor Fidencio Ortiz called a press conference on Friday in order to address concerns highlighted at Monday's Special Meeting of Commissioner's Court where a status on the 2013 Audit was given by Martinez, Rosario & Company, the independent firm who has been hired to complete the highly important financial report.

According to Maverick County officials the lack thereof has cost the county thousands, and being that the audit itself was due in June of this year, it is six months late and counting, a fact that Ortiz was quick to point out as Milo Martinez, the representative of the firm, informed county officials could be ready by late February or even as late as the beginning of March.

The auditor pointed out that this has been a trend over the last six years as the last six audits have been anywhere from three to eleven months late such as the dreaded 2011 audit which led to the arrest of seventeen individuals who misused millions of dollars directly related to a $15,000,000.00 federal grant geared to complete projects across Maverick County.

"I want to clarify the fact that I was unable to attend the Special Meeting set for Monday, December 15, 2014, due to a doctor's appointment I had with a specialist in San Antonio which I had set up six months ago.  This was not a Regular Meeting of Commissioner's Court, which are the only meetings I am required to attend by law, this was a meeting that was set up as late as last Monday.



        An oil field worker was killed in a workplace accident in south Maverick County, near El Indio.

According to a report from the Maverick County Sheriff's Office, the accident occurred about 1:30 PM on Friday.

Maverick County Sheriff, Tom Schmerber, said the victim was from Edinburgh, and worked installing pipelines.

He said the victim received a severe blow to the head when a metal cap shot out of one of the pipelines striking him in the head and killing him instantly.

JP Dora Madera arrived at the scene to pronounce the man deceased.  Authorities are working to locate the family to notify them of his death.


The case remains under investigation by the Maverick County Sheriff's Department.


Adrián Ibarra

-Las Minas


Una llamada se produjo  aproximadamente a las 4:30 pm del miércoles, cuando los informes de humo que emanaban de un laboratorio de computación en la Primaria Seco Minas 

Según fuentes cercanas a la situación, un cortocircuito puede haber sido la causa de alarma cuando la Policía de EPISD y Eagle Pass personal del Departamento de Bomberos estuvieron presentes para velar por que no ocurrió nada fuera de lo normal y para asegurar el edificio antes de asegurarse que los administradores estaban bien.

Mientras tanto, se sigue trabajando en todo el Centro de Desarrollo del Lenguaje con el fin de crear un perímetro de drenaje para evitar cualquier inundación más o daños causados por las fuertes lluvias ya que la escuela vio durante las inundaciones de junio de 2013, que llevó al distrito para cerrar la escuela y pasar clases en la Primaria Austin para el resto del año escolar 2013-2014.




A.D. Ibarra

-Consulado de Mйxico


El Consul Ismael Naveja Macias y su excelente personal fueron los anfitriones de una posada Navideña la tarde del miercoles en el Consulado.

Cientos de personas acudieron al consulado para disfrutar de la buena compañia, una presentacion por el Señor Consul, los ahí reunidos se dividieron en dos grupos para la tradicionales posadas.

Se pidió posada como es la costumbre en México donde uno de los grupos recibieron a los peregrinos en una ceremonia tradicional.

Mas de 1666 asistentes disfrutaron de una cena de tamales, frijoles, arroz y champurrado.  Hubo música y mucha alegría en este evento marcando el día festivo mas importante del año.


Gracias a Wendy García la Oficial de Información Publica, al Consul Ismael Naveja Macias y a todo el personal del consulado por este detalle.


A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


A woman's concern for a dog in the middle of the roadway may have been the cause of an accident in the late hours of Wednesday at the intersection of Memo Robinson and Oaxaca.

Sheriff Tom Schmerber informed The News Gram of the incident which occurred at approximately 12:18 AM at said intersection.  Sheriff Schmerber stated that the vehicle, a 2013 Silver Chevy Tahoe was traveling south on Oaxaca when a dog crossed into the roadway.  The driver of the Tahoe swerved to avoid hitting the canine and hit some loose gravel on the side of the road causing the driver to lose control.

The Tahoe proceeded to strike a railway covering a drainage ditch.The accident prompted deputies from the Maverick County Sheriff's Department to be dispatched to the scene as well as emergency medical personnel.


A.D. Ibarra

-Commissioner's Court


A Special Meeting of Maverick County Commissioner's Court was held mostly to get the state of the county address, if you will, on the 2013 Audit which, as of June of this year was not complete.  According to sources, there is a nine month window by when an audit needs to be completed without penalties, but commissioner's court was informed that the lack thereof has cost the county thousands.

Independent auditor Milo Martinez was on hand to deliver his presentation and report to Commissioner's Court, the only problem was that when specific questions were asked about why it has not been complete and when it will be, Maverick County Auditor Fidencio Ortiz was not present.

Specific questions fielded by Martinez which needed to be answered by the Maverick County Auditor's office were in fact answered by Assistant Auditor Karla Mazuka and Assistant Auditor Luis Rodriguez.

"We estimate that the audit could in fact be complete by late February, late March," stated Martinez, "The report itself will be 90 days late.We asked for specific information on September 23rd and we had some communication on this date, but that was it."


Adrian Ibarra

-Sirloin Stockade


La Cámara de último desayuno del año Comunitario de Comercio se llevó a cabo el miércoles a una casa inusualmente lleno como la sala de conferencias estaba lleno a capacidad con los líderes locales de negocios, miembros del consejo escolar recién elegidos, toda la junta del Distrito de Hospitales del Condado de Maverick, nuestro alcalde y el ex sheriff, los miembros de la Pass Obras Sistema de agua Águila y ex director Robert González, Mario Díaz, Joe Cruz y otros administradores de la ciudad y el consejo de administración de la propia cámara, entre muchos otros.

El tema que nos ocupa, el próximo condado de Maverick Júnior Livestock Show que Sandra Rodríguez elocuentemente ha comentado, ya que está a la vuelta de la esquina. Ella y tres de sus ayudantes explicó maneras cómo los individuos o empresas pueden comenzar a contribuir con el evento anual, así como para informar a los presentes que el artista, este año va a ser nada menos que la estrella de la música country Rick Treviño.

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