When we mentioned that our sister city of Laredo only had two high schools not too long ago and now they are up to seven and the fact that we see ourselves in the same light, as a growing city with an as of yet untapped realm of economic possibility and he agreed:
"We need to have some tax reform. There are a number of businesses operating here and we need a tax rate decrease so that the businesses can deploy more capital and put more people to work and our energy economy is important. It's impacting Maverick County and we need to continue that. We have a unique opportunity in DC to really get some things done to help with the economic development opportunities not only here in Maverick County, but throughout the other 29 counties in this district."
When we mentioned the impending opening of the Old Mines Road, he got excited, but when we mentioned the recent relations with Cuba by the Obama Administration, Hurd went ballistic, "I'm glad Gross (The American prisoner who was arrested in 2009 for smuggling broadband satellite equipment into Cuba) is free, but there are 11,000,000 Cubans that are not and until Cub allows free access to the Internet, until they stop jamming international signals, until they get rid of all their political prisoners, we should not be talking to them about normalizing relations. Those should be the pre-conditions. When they do that, great, let's talk about it."