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A.D. Ibarra -Round Rock, Tx



The Eagle Pass Wolverines 13u American Youth Football (AYF) Team from the Middle Rio Grande Youth Football and Cheer Association of Eagle Pass participated in the A.Y.F Regional Tournament November 22 and 23, 2014 in Round Rock, Texas.

The Wolverines won their first game against the San Antonio 13u Cowboys 37-0.

The Wolverines were led on the field by quarterbacks Orlando "Orly' Garza and Jacob Salinas with touchdowns by Ricky De Los Santos, Raul Lechler and Nathan Richardson. The defense had outstanding performances by linebacker Rey Flores as well as Michael Mata, "Big" Mark Sanchez and "Big Daddy" Daniel Garcia. Joe "Sama" Samaniego, Alan Rodriguez and Gunnar "Purcy" Purcell also turned in outstanding performances. The Wolverines were ultimately defeated by the New Orleans Panthers allowing the Wolverines to be ranked #3 in the region for the American Youth Football League.


The Associated Press

It's been four weeks since hackers calling themselves Guardians of Peace began their cyberterrorism campaign against Sony Pictures Entertainment. In that time thousands of executive emails and other documents have been posted online, employees and their families were threatened, and unreleased films were stolen and made available for illegal download. The hackers then escalated this week to threatening 9/11-like attacks against movie theaters scheduled to show the Sony film "The Interview." That fanned security fears nationwide and resulted in the four top U.S. theater chains pulling the film from their screens, ultimately driving Sony to cancel the film's release.


A.D. Ibarra

-Chamber of Commerce


When Sandra Martinez, the unsung hero of our local economy and Directress of the Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce, invited the local media to a gathering at the new and improved chamber, she worked with the Board of Directors to assist her in organizing this annual ‘Thank you’ to the print, television and broadcast media, the only event of its kind sponsored by the EPCOC.

The festive nature of the event marks the beginning of the Christmas season and the culmination of another successful year of work by the staff and the board of inviting businesses and industry to see the benefits of coming to our little neck of the woods, where, in the great words of former Mayor Chad Foster, Yee-Hah meets Olé.


A.D. Ibarra

-CSN-TV Downtown 

  Eagle Pass


This year’s Teleton Navideño which was dedicated to Rodolfo “Fito” Barrera reached new heights garnering over $75,000.00 and surpassing last year’s grand total of $73,160.00.

The event which is broadcast live from the CSN-TV studios in historic beautiful downtown Eagle Pass brought together local leaders, event organizers, volunteers, musical groups, dance troupes and even a folkloric dance group from Allende, Coahuila for the benefit of the needy families of Eagle Pass.

The labor of love which is the annual Teleton Navideño also had the presence religious leaders and the entire public in general contributed their time and efforts to insure that those less fortunate than they would also enjoy the beauty of the Christmas Season, the holiest of holidays.


A.D. Ibarra

-Las Qunintas Fronterizas


Residents in Las Quintas Fronterizas have been complaining of heavy traffic in the area for some time now and judging from the amount of stop signs and speed bumps, Maverick county commissioner Gerardo Morales is listening.

Effective Friday December 13 2014, new stop signs were temporary mounted on the middle of the street on various intersections in Las Quintas Fronterizas such as Las Quintas Blvd./Alvin, Las Quintas Blvd./Tita, Las Quintas Blvd./Landin Circle, and Las Quintas Blvd./Mack Circle after residents requested measures be taken to help reduce speeding in these areas. 

The completion of the permanent installation of the new stop signs is set for this week.  Our office will like to remind motorists to remain alert at all times and exercise caution when traveling through zones.


“Public safety is a growing concern because of the dangers that currently pose to individuals as well as society,” stated Commissioner Morales.


Adrián Ibarra

-277 Norte


Un extraño accidente dejó una carga de asfalto, que estaba siendo transportado por un vehículo privado, un camión de volteo vientre, esparcidos por todo un tramo de 300 metros de la carretera justo en frente de una tienda local en la esquina de 277 y Thompson Road.

Aproximadamente a las 8:30 de la mañana, un camión de volteo vientre cuyo conductor había podido asegurar el pestillo correctamente, descargó toda una carga de asfalto en la carretera que causó Departamento de Texas de los vehículos de transporte y de los escuadrones de limpieza en acción para conseguir la carretera limpia .

"Por suerte, un diputado del Condado de Maverick estaba en el área y fue testigo del evento de despliegue", afirmó Celestino Hernández, "El fue capaz de obtener información del conductor y se preparará un informe con el fin de TxDOT para comenzar con la limpieza. La compañía se facturará como tendrán que mostrar responsibilty financiera".





A.D. Ibarra



ECC students were treated to a very special event honoring one of their own, a five year-old boy who, according to law enforcement officers on hand at the literacy academy to recognize the alertness of young Matthew Hernandez whom they are considering a contemporary, for saving his family from what could have been a horrible tragedy.

"With this act of valor and bravery, that one of our students showed last week saving the lives of his family from a fire in their home,"said Justin Fuentes, the Computer Lab Manager at ECC and the gracious emcee of this event, "Truly saying that our little Matthew is a hero.When we think of a hero, we think of Superman saving the world or Aquaman saving the ocean, but with Matthews act of love and kindness, we've learned that heroes come in all shapes and sizes."


A.D. Ibarra

-CC Winn HS


CC Winn Principal Jesús Díaz-Wever informed The News Gram of the fact that his social studies department and NHS have taken the time to assist the needy of this community by gathering and donating non-perishable food item to the Maverick County Food Pantry on Thursday.

"Yes indeed, I am very proud of the social studies department for all their efforts," stated CC Winn's Fightin' Instructional Leader, "This is a token of our appreciation during Christmas time from the Maverick Family to theirs.  I would like to take this opportunity on these very special days to wish the community a very merry christmas and a prosperous new year to spend quality time with your family and prepare for a prosperous 2015."

Jeanette Dickerson, social studies teacher at CC Winn High School was there to deliver the fruit drinks, "We had a parental involvement activity last night and the students donated these drinks.Since we had an abundance and we had many of these left over, the students decided to donate them to the local food pantry as suggested by one of our NHS students."


Press Release



If inclement weather occurs and the conditions affect the safety of our students and staff, the Superintendent will make all decisions regarding the closure of facilities, delay start or early release of students.  When it becomes necessary to open late, release students early or cancel school, information regarding this matter will be broadcasted through all local media outlets and posted on the EPISD website, Twitter page and EPISD Blog. 

As in the past, EPISD will disseminate all information through local radio and news outlets such as Channel 16, KINL Radio and La Rancherita del Aire.


El lunes, 8 de diciembre de alcalde Ramsey English Cantu, junto con funcionarios de la ciudad y de la junta escolar, visitó la Escuela Primaria Liberty para una ceremonia para levantar la bandera de la cinta azul.

Liberty Elementary School recientemente recibió la prestigiosa  Nacional Blue Ribbon of Excellence Award del Departamento de Educación de EEUU en Washington DC y, desde entonces, ha sido un año de celebración para los estudiantes, profesores y personal.

Liberty Elementary, aceptó un Premio Nacional Blue Ribbon en una ceremonia en noviembre pasado organizada por el Secretario de Educación Arne Duncan para los ganadores.

El premio honra primaria pública y privada, media y escuelas secundarias en función de su excelencia académica en general o para su progreso hacia la mejora significativa de los estudiantes los niveles de desempeño académico. 

Al recibir el Premio Nacional Blue Ribbon es el más alto honor que puede ser otorgado a cualquier escuela, pública o privada.   Es un reflejo de los educadores profesionales extraordinarios que están en esa escuela.


Felicitaciones a su Directora la Sra. Barcena, los estudiantes y todo el personal de Liberty Elementary en su compromiso con la excelencia!

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