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    Un accidente ocurrió aproximadamente a las 8:30 AM el jueves que involucró un solo tractor remolque a unos cuatro kilómetros de los límites de la ciudad por la Carretera 277.  Se informó al News Gram que el remolque había perdido el control y procedió a  plegarse en un gran canal que se encuentra en la zona.   El Sheriff declaró  que no se registraron heridos.   El tráfico estaba lento durante al menos dos horas, mientras que los Diputados del Sheriff del Condado de Maverick lo controlaban.  Un camión de remolque que se requiere para mover el tractor de la carretera fue traído de Del Rio que causó el retrazo.
    El accidente sigue bajo investigación por el Departamento de Seguridad Pública de Texas.


A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass

    La Oficina del Gobernador de Texas ha asignado un juez de distrito para poner fin al conflicto que la Corte de Comisionados tienen contra el Auditor del Condado Fidencio Ortiz. La Honorable Camile DuBose de la Corte de Distrito 38 en Uvalde ha sido elegida para romper el 1-1 entre la Honorable Cynthia Muñiz, Juez de Distrito 293a y el Honorable Amado Abascal, Juez de Distrito 365o en el tema.
    En octubre del año pasado el Juez Abascal votó a favor de continuar con los servicios de Ortiz como auditor del condado, mientras que la Juez Muñiz no lo hizo.
    Con esto, la Oficina del Gobernador estaba obligada por ley a nombrar un tercer juez de distrito para romper este lazo.
    Ortiz fue nombrado auditor del condado en septiembre de 2012 por los dos jueces de distrito como auditor interino por un período de dos años.
    En mayo del año pasado, la Corte del Comisionados congeló su salario citando mal desempeño entre otras razones y que 'perdieron la confianza' en Ortiz como tal, sin embargo su salario fue reinstalado en septiembre, cuando Abascal emitió una Orden de Desalojo a la corte.
    En octubre de 2014, los jueces de distrito no lograron ponerse de acuerdo sobre el futuro de Ortiz, que llevó a la Oficina del Gobernador tener que nombrar a un tercer juez para resolver el caso.   


A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
    Maverick County Pct.1 is scheduled for Clean-up campaign starting Monday February 02, 2015 through Friday February 20, 2015. This campaign is limited to County route areas such as Las Quintas Fronterizas, Cedar Ridge Subdivision, Chula Vista and Chula Vista Heights.
     The Clean-up campaign will include: Brush, wood, home furnisher, home electronics, refrigerators and stoves.
    Not included for pick-up: Tires, rubbish, steel or batteries
    Residents may place items at the curb for collection. All items must be placed at the curb no later than 7:00 a.m. beginning Monday February 02, 2015.
    "We encourage all our residents to take pride in the appearance and cleanliness of the neighborhood area which they represent," stated Commissioner Pct 1.

Campaña de limpieza del Precinto 1 Empieza

    Condado de Maverick Pct.1 está programado para la campaña de limpieza a partir del lunes 02 de febrero 2015 hasta el viernes 20 de febrero de 2015. Esta campaña se limita a zonas de rutas del condado como Las Quintas Fronterizas, Cedar Ridge Barrio, Chula Vista y Chula Vista Heights.
    Seran recogidos: artículos electrónicos cepillo, madera, mueblería Casa, Casa,
refrigeradores y estufas
    No serán recogidos: Llantas, basura, acero o baterías
    Los residentes pueden colocar elementos en la acera para colección. Todos los artículos deben ser colocados en la acera antes de las 7:00 am Inicio lunes 02 febrero, de 2015.
"Animamos a todos nuestros residentes se sientan orgullosos de la apariencia y la limpieza de la zona barrio que representan", declaró el Comisionado Gerardo Morales.


Comunicado de Prensa
-Consulado de México

    Como un servicio más a nuestra comunidad México–Estadounidense, el Consulado de México, la ventanilla de Salud y el Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior, tienen el agrado de invitarlos al “día de la salud” hoy,  a partir de las 9:30 A.M. donde se realizaran de manera gratuita análisis de Glucosa, Colesterol, presión arterial, peso, talla etc.
    Para más información comunicarse al (830) 773-9255 y (830) 773-9256 Ext. 302 y 314. La ubicación del Consulado es el 2252 de la calle E. Garrison.

The Consulate of Mexico invites the Community to "Health Day"

    As a service to our Mexican-American community, the Mexican Consulate, and the Institute of Mexicans Abroad, are pleased to invite you to "Health Day" today, at 9:30 AM which will be free of charge where you can get a glucose, and cholesterol check, blood pressure, weight, height etc.
    For more information call (830) 773-9255 and (830) 773-9256 Ext.302 and 314.
The location of the Consulate is 2252 E. Garrison Street.  In the city of Eagle Pass, Texas.


A.D. Ibarra
-Hwy 57 and 277

    Jim Neutze and his lovely wife Mabel were on hand to re-open the doors to the beautiful new Minit Mart #4 in our fair city showing the commitment to our community which goes back to the late 1950's when his father Pete Neutze's legacy to him began and which he emphatically said that would continue far into the future.
    "On behalf of the City Council we are really happy with the level of investment your family has made in our community," stated William Davis, who emceed this event saying that this business literally rose from the ashes like a Phoenix, "We appreciate all the investors who believe in Eagle Pass and we welcome you with open arms."
    "It's exciting to see this business thriving, you've decided to stay and we wanted to make sure that we keep those cash registers ringing on a steady basis."
    "I'd like to introduce my wife Mabel (applause) who has been a tremendous help on putting this project together," added Neutze who, before he was introduced to speak, graciously opened the door for two patrons entering the store saying 'Duty calls', "As you may or may not know, last November I lost someone very dear to me, my father (Pete) a great mentor and a great businessman.  He started businesses here in the late 1950's, so basically I was being carried as an infant when he started here, so our commitment to Eagle Pass started over 50-60 years ago."
    The Neutzes own a total of 16 convenience stores in Eagle Pass, Del Rio, Uvalde and Hondo, but seven of these sixteen are right here in Eagle Pass.
    "I wanted to take the opportunity to stand here and tell you how grateful as a family we are and my parents are of this community.  Our goal is to reach far into the future.  I have six children and a heritage of valuing communities is being passed down to them as well."
    "We're so proud of this new project and we're so proud that it's here in Eagle Pass.  It took over a year after the fire for us to finally get the doors open, but the main thing i want to say is 'Thank you'.  We appreciate your business, please trade with us and we'll trade with you."


A.D. Ibarra

    A special meeting was held on Monday at the District Service Center in order to address the issue of the five-year plan to address the most essential repair projects facing the board of trustees.
    According to Board President Ignacio Saucedo, the plan itself has been in place for some time now, however, it needed to be addressed with some of the newly elected board members.
    Trustee Rudy Bowles informed The News Gram of the fact that they were advised of the priorities the district faces in this respect.
    "This is a five-year plan of items that need to be taken care of for the whole district with a priority on roofs," stated Mr. Bowles, "Eagle Pass High School is one of our oldest buildings, but we will be addressing CC Winn as well as the Old Junior High, but it doesn't mean that we'll stop there."
    "We basically prioritized some of these projects from essential to non-essential and from Tier 1 to Tier 5 with our main focus being school safety and student safety," mentioned Mr. Saucedo of the multi-million dollar project which he said would address these needs as well as some other pressing issues such as a need for more space for junior high level students (be it a new junior high and/or additional classroom space in existing buildings) and the possibility of retrofitting Austin Elementary to become the new Central Office.


A.D. Ibarra
-Maverick County

    A Chevy Cobalt who witnesses say was drag racing on FM 1021 near Wildwood, was found lying on its left side when deputies arrived on the scene at approximately 10:30 PM.
    The male driver of the vehicle was trapped inside the 2007 Blue in color Chevy Cobalt and a female passenger was found approximately 90 feet from the wreckage, apparently having been ejected from the vehicle upon impact.  The female was air lifted from the site of the accident and taken to a San Antonio hospital.
    According to Chief Deputy Rick Fuentes, the male driver was freed from the vehicle and taken to the Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center to be evaluated medically, however the investigation continues as there were several eyewitnesses who are contributing information in order to find the driver of the other vehicle.
    "If we find out that they were involved, drag racing is an offense that carries a significant fine and it is a Class B misdemeanor," said Fuentes, "We have presentations before Spring Break where the Texas Department of Public Safety shows both high schools images of vehicles which have been involved in these types of accidents," concluded Fuentes who says these pictures depicting the atrocities and deaths which occur because of drag racing should deter this behavior.
    The accident and the case remains under investigation and those found to have participated will be charged and fined.


Del Rio, Texas –

    U.S. Border Patrol agents working in the Del Rio Sector seized more than 1,300 pounds of marijuana, with an estimated value of $1 million in three different incidents, recently.
    “Border Patrol agents in the Comstock area, over a period of three days, seized marijuana loads ranging in size from 55 pounds to more than 900 pounds,” said Chief Rodolfo Karisch, U.S. Border Patrol, Del Rio Sector. “Since the beginning of the fiscal year, Del Rio Sector agents have seized more than $6.5 million worth of illegal drugs.” On Jan. 19 at approximately 9 a.m., agents from the Comstock Station, conducting linewatch operations, were following foot tracks with the assistance of a Border Patrol canine and discovered one abandoned green duffel bag.     The bag contained 55 pounds of marijuana, valued at an estimated $44,400. The marijuana was turned over to the Drug E n f o r c e m e n t Administration.
    On Jan. 18, around 9 a.m., Comstock Station agents responded to suspicious
activity, reported the evening before, near the Rio Grande River. As agents neared the area they discovered seven bundles containing 340 pounds of marijuana, valued at an estimated $272,560. DEA agents took custody of the marijuana.
    On Jan. 16 at approximately 1 p.m., agents from the Comstock Station conducting linewatch operations via airboat, observed 12 individuals swimming away from the U.S. bank toward Mexico. A search of the area on the U.S. side revealed 15 green duffel
bags containing 919 pounds of marijuana, valued at an estimated $735,840. The contraband was turned over to the DEA.
    For    Fiscal    Year 2015, which began Oct. 1, 2014, the Del Rio Border Patrol Sector has seized more than $6.5 million worth of illegal drugs. The Del Rio Border Patrol Sector is part of the South Texas Campaign, which leverages federal, state and local resources to combat transnational criminal organizations.


Eagle Pass Police Officers reported to a residence on Ralph Drive in reference to a possible sexual assault on a minor above 10 but less than 16 years of age.
    According to Public Information Officer Humberto O. Garza, the minor was assaulted by a known male.
    "The report is already on file and the Criminal Investigations Division is looking into the incident, however information is limited at this time," stated Officer Garza.
    Names have not been released because of the affected party, however, attempts are being made at this time to question the known male.

Asalto Sexual a un Menor Bajo Investigación

Oficiales de la Policía en Eagle Pass reportaron a una residencia de Ralph Drive, en referencia a un posible asalto sexual a un menor de edad por encima de 10 pero menos de 16 años de edad.
    Según Oficial de Información Pública Humberto O. Garza, el menor fue agredido por un hombre conocido.
    "El informe ya está en el archivo y la División de Investigaciones Criminales está investigando el incidente, sin embargo la información se limita en este momento", declaró el oficial de Garza.
    Los nombres no han sido puestos en libertad debido a la parte afectada, sin embargo, se está tratando en este momento para cuestionar el hombre conocido.


A.D. Ibarra
-Main and Washington Streets

A fight broke out on the corner of Main and Washington which prompted the arrival of Eagle Pass Police Department authorities who upon arrival arrested and detained two males and a female who were seen brandishing knives in the melee.
    -The police dealt with the two males and the female, all of whom were intoxicated when it was discovered that the two men were illegal aliens.
    The female who was identified as Maria Guadalupe Lopez, 51, was also taken into custody due to outstanding municipal warrants on traffic violations.
    Ms. Lopez paid said infractions and re-gained her liberty and the two men were handed over to the united States Border Patrol for subsequent deportation.

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