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Chamber of Commerce
President William Davis delivered his annual Presidential speech at the 88th COC Banquet which highlighted many of our community’s leaders and past recipients of the Citizen of the Year Award. Claudia Rodriguez Wright graciously emceed the event which also benefitted from a new format in that a professional entertainer was brought in to handle the key note address as Happy Guerrero had the crowd in stitches with his brand of culturally viable comedy.
A.D. Ibarra
-Precinct 1
The 2015 Winter clean-up campaign in the precinct resumes in Maverick County, said Commissioner Gerardo Morales, adding that this will be the second of three weeks that comprise the campaign.
Although reminded residents of the precinct that the campaign will resume so he urges residents to take brush and bulky items and place them in front of their homes.
He said that this campaign is limited to route zones such as Las Quintas, Cedar Ridge Subdivision, Chula Vista and Chula Vista Heights.
He added that as is already public knowledge, garbage trucks collect electronics, brush, wooden home furniture, refrigerators and stoves.
"All items must be placed before 7:00 in the morning," stated Commissioner Morales.
A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
Newfield Petróleo y Gas exploración y producción de la compañía de petróleo crudo y gas natural independiente con sede en The Woodlands, Texas cuyas áreas de operaciones interno incluyen los Rocky Mountains y Texas, hicieron una donación benévola de $15,000 dólares para el program Big Brothers, Big Sisters.
Newfield Exploration Company es una compañía de energía independiente que se dedica activamente a la exploración, desarrollo y producción de petróleo crudo, gas natural y líquidos de gas natural.
La Compañía se basa en una estrategia probada de las reservas a través de un programa de perforación activa y adquisiciones selectivas.
Lucas Krietz, Superintendente de Producción para el conglomerado presentó el cheque de $15,000 a Juan Cuellar y Rubén Herrera la semana pasada y los fondos se utilizarán para proporcionar a los participantes del programa que son jóvenes en riesgo con experiencias positivas que se pueden aprovechar para ser capaces de sustituir otros obstáculos que puedan tener ahora con el fin de cambiar sus vidas para convertirse en miembros productivos de la sociedad.
"Nuestro programa sigue creciendo", dijo Cuellar, "Y nos gustaría seguir brindando a los jóvenes modelos positivos."
Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o desea ser voluntario, por favor llame a Juan R. Cuéllar al (830) 968-0488 o This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A.D. Ibarra
-Maverick County
Elizama Rodriguez who for 36 years was at the helm of the Maverick County Nutrition Center and was so under seven county judges harking back to the tenure of Ramon Saucedo, was honored at Commissioner's Court on Monday.
"What you have done, I'm sure we all recognize, you have been here for so many years. So many that she was even dismissed from her duties once," said Commissioner Robert Ruiz, "One of our judges let her go out of the blue, but later, we had the opportunity and we reinstated her."
"Other commissioners also tried to let her go, but she is still here. We heard Mr. (Oscar) Galindo (who was there to give a report of the status of this year's Maverick County Junior Livestock Show) saying that they are here for the youth of our community, but look at this room. It is full of our elderly, the people who you have been there for for the past 36 years and seeing this room full of these people shows how much they admire you, care for you and appreciate all you have done for them."
"Things were done a little differently back then, but when Judge Saucedo called you in, Marilyn Davis was his secretary and she said, 'Are you Chama?' to which she replied 'Yes I am'. 'You're the new Nutrition Center Director, sit right there, start filling out the paperwork, you start today.' I thought that was the greatest thing because this reiterated that he knew what he was doing," said County Judge David Saucedo, "That you have served so long is a testament of his knowledge of what you were going to do for the people. You've made a commitment to the county for the work that you've done."
With this said, Mrs. Rodriguez was presented a plaque of appreciation and she posed for a collective picture with the members of Commissioner's Court where she graciously greeted newly elected commissioner Rosy Cantu who she told she was happy to meet since she hadn't had the pleasure of meeting before.
A truly genuine gesture from a truly genuine person who all gathered there on this day and who all those she proudly served at the center can attest to wholehaertedly. Godspeed and God Bless Elizama "Chama" Rodriguez.
A.D. Ibarra
-Maverick County
Luis Flores, 44, of Eagle Pass was arrested Tuesday after allegedly cutting his wife's eye out with a deadly weapon.
The incident occurred just before midnight on Loop 480, where a Sheriff's Department report says that Flores pulled his estranged wife out of their vehicle, dragged her into the brush adjacent to the highway and proceeded to attack her with what officers said was a box cutter.
Sheriff Tom Schmerber informed The News Gram that Flores remains in custody and was magistrated by Justice of the Peace Dora Madera. JP Madera has ordered that he remain in custody without bond through at least next week. The woman remains in a San Antonio hospital in stable condition, however Schmerber says she has lost vision in at least one of her eyes in this the most heinous crime Maverick County has seen since October of 2013 when Homero Herrera allegedly fatally stabbed his wife Blanca Herrera in their home on Medina Street.
District Attorney Roberto Serna said that they were awaiting a court date as early as Thursday in this case.
A.D. Ibarra
The Annual Chamber of Commerce Gala will be held this evening at the ICT and The Eagle Pass News Gram caught up with Directress Sandra Martinez who said all is a go for tonight's event.
"All the preparations are done and we are waiting for the fun to begin," said Martinez who added that they had changed the format for the event, "We will have Happy Guerrero on hand to entertain the crowd as their guest speaker and we are expecting 300 people."
The event will be catered by the Moonlight Ballroom.
"It promises to be a fun evening. There will be no ticket sales at the door. You can call the Chamber until noon today, but we are not promising there will be any available."
Mrs. Martinez also said that the Citizen of the Year will also be named this evening and the nominees are Mr. Paulo Alcozer, Mr. George & Mrs. Martha Baxter (one nomination), Mrs. Lisa Cain, Mr. Ramsey English Cantu, Ms. Mary Ann Glammeyer, Dr. Luis Gutierrez-Perry, and Mr. Victor Rangel, Jr.
"Nominations for this award have to be thorough so that the committee can reflect on the qualifications and they are very objective. The more that they write about the candidate, which this award is not a lifetime achievement award, it's for this particular year."
A.D. Ibarra
-Cleveland, Ohio
The Eagle Pass News Gram received word that the FBI were forced to resort to widespread media coverage for a dangerous fugitive and individuals he might be traveling with on Wednesday evening.
Cleveland FBI were working a case involving Robert Roy Clark, wanted for double murder and several armed robberies.
Their Cleveland office had asked San Antonio FBI. and other offices for assistance in this case since intelligence suggested that he may have been traveling south from Ohio.
The FBI was offering a $20,000 award for information leading to the arrest of Clark.
On Thursday morning Michelle Lee, Public Information Officer for the San Antonio FBI, informed us that Clark had indeed been apprehended after a high-speed chase in Kingman, Arizona by the Mohave County Sheriff's Office. Clark and an individual by the name of Tabatha Hazel were apprehended early Thursday morning, but another, Jeff Caley fled the scene.
As of press time, a search was underway for Caley and no other information was available.
Fugitivo y Sospechoso de Doble Asesinato fue arrestado
Adrián Ibarra
Cleveland, Ohio
El Eagle Pass News Gram recibió la noticia de que el FBI se vieron obligados a recurrir a la amplia cobertura mediática de un fugitivo peligroso y las personas que podría estar viajando con la noche del miércoles.
Cleveland FBI estaban trabajando un caso relacionado con Robert Roy Clark, buscado por doble homicidio y varios robos a mano armada.
Su oficina de Cleveland había pedido a San Antonio FBI. y otras oficinas de asistencia en este caso ya que sugirieron que podría haber estado viajando al sur de Ohio.
El FBI estaba ofreciendo una recompensa de $ 20,000 por información que conduzca al arresto de Clark.
El jueves por la mañana, Michelle Lee, Oficial de Información Pública de la FBI, nos informó de que Clark había sido efectivamente detenido tras una persecución de alta velocidad en Kingman, Arizona por la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Mohave. Clark y un individuo con el nombre de Tabatha Hazel fueron detenidos la madrugada del jueves, pero otro, Jeff Caley huyó del lugar.
Al cierre de esta edición, la búsqueda estaba en marcha para Caley y ninguna otra información estaba disponible.
Adrián Ibarra
-Burger King
Un segundo vehículo, esta vez un 2013 Audi, estalló en llamas en la calle en el estacionamiento de Burger King aproximadamente 21:30, donde los bomberos respondieron para extinguir el incendio.
"Ambos eran pérdidas totales", declaró el jefe de bomberos Sonny Mello, quien informó The News Gram que un motor de 3/4 de línea, una línea de ataque en nuestros camiones de bomberos, se utilizó para apagar el fuego, "Y ambos estaban en el compartimiento del motor de estos vehículos ".
Mello dijo que el Departamento de Policía también ayudó a quitar el vehículo fuera de la zona del estacionamiento remolcandolo a un lugar de demolición de autos y / o en el domicilio del propietario.
Adrián Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
La Reunión Ordinaria del Consejo de la Ciudad de Eagle Pass se llevó a cabo el martes con uno de los elementos más destacados de la agenda, la posible aprobación del diseño esquemático de el Centro de Seguridad Pública estaba en la agenda inicial.
Ayuntamiento discutió también los costos adicionales para un consultor de seguridad pública, ingeniero civil y de paisaje y de riego diseñadores para el proyecto.
También se discutieron la posibilidad de entrar en la ciudad a un acuerdo con el condado en participar en el Programa de Ayuda de Colonia proporcionada por el Departamento de Agricultura, la plataforma final para el propuesto Subdivision Treviño, la preliminar de la Eagle Point# 2, la adjudicación de los contratos para la aplicación de parches de asfalto y reparación de corte de calles y la visita de suma importancia con la Corporación de Middle Rio Grande para negociar la posible presentación a el EDA una subvención para la nueva vía verde en la zona de Cerna Elementary.
A.D. Ibarra
-Chamber of Commerce
A committee of five citizens-at-large met Monday, February 2, 2015, to review seven nominations received by the Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce for Citizen of the Year, 2014. The committee was tasked with applying selection criteria to each nomination and to select the Citizen of the Year from these.