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A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
In observance of National Heart Month, the city of Eagle Pass, is raising awareness to the community at large, on cardiovascular problems and ways to prevent them.
A,D, Ibarra
-City Hall
The City of Eagle Pass continues accepting candidates interested in participating in the next general election in which two city council positions for places 1 and 3 will be decided.
José Cruz, Director del Programa Main Street, ha dado a conocer que para los siguientes meses se podrían usar los recursos estatales que fueron aprobados para la ciudad para el proyecto de instalar 50 lámparas nuevas y reconstrucción de banquetas para la zona centro.
A.D. Ibarra
-Maverick County
La Corte del Comisionados del Condado de Maverick está estudiando la posibilidad de contratar a una empresa de ingeniería para llevar a cabo un estudio de factibilidad para la construcción de un tercer puente internacional que en el lapso de un tiempo puede estar situada a unos diez kilómetros al norte de Eagle Pass.
El miercoles cerca de las 8:30a.m. se registró un accidente por la calle Comal.
A.D. Ibarra
-Austin, Tx.
According to sources, a complaint against State Representative Poncho Nevarez has been filed with the Texas Ethics Commission.
A.D. Ibarra
-Main and Veterans
Humberto O. Garza, Public Information Officer for the Eagle Pass Police Department, informed The News Gram of a fight which occurred last weekend at the parking lot of La Quinta Motor Inn on the corner of Main and Veterans where a man accused another of attempting to steal a Yeti cooler form the back of his pickup truck.
A.D. Ibarra
-Maverick County
District Attorney Roberto Serna has informed The News Gram that he and his team of Assistant DA's will most diligently prosecute domestic violence cases such as the one in which an Eagle Pass man severely injured his wife by attempting to gouge her eyes out with a pair of box cutters.
A.D. Ibarra -Eagle Pass
Terry Contreras, CEO of the Maverick County Hospital District, is the newest member of the Eagle Pass Rotary Club according to Sandra Rodriguez, Past President and Membership Chair for the organization.
Keep Texas Beautiful and Don’t mess with Texas are encouraging elementary school students from every corner of Texas to break out their crayons and paintbrushes in a crusade to keep Texas roadways clean and litter-free.
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Santos Gloria es festejado por amigos y compañeros
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Eagle Pass CBP Officers Seize Hard Narcotics Worth Over $495K
EPISD Teacher Substitutes Request Salary Increase from School Board & Admin.
Festejan cumpleaños de Juan Montañez
KLEC Names John Wickes Director of Marketing
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