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Maverick County Development Corporation 2014 Annual Report

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    The Maverick County Development Corporation had their Annual Stakeholders meeting last January 20th at their conference room, in presence of its Board of Directors. In this meeting, Mr. Raul E. Perez, Executive Director, made a presentation of the 2014 activities.
    During this Annual meeting, Mr. Perez presented the status of the Integrated Strategic Business Plan that was elaborated to promote our community, and whose objectives are to attract investment capital and to generate more and better jobs for our citizens.
    This Business Plan addresses all economic entities, and was approved by the board and has all its board support for its implementation.
    MCDC elaborated a Conceptual Design of the Industrial Park and utilizes it, to promote our park to the manufacturing, maquiladora, industrial, warehousing, and distribution centers.
In order to address the commercial, retail, hotels, restaurants, etc, Mr. Perez, presented the implementation process and mentioned the installation of new business Lubys, Tractor Supply, Walgreens, Academy, Ancira Auto Dealership.
    MCDC is leading this project with the collaboration of the City of Eagle Pass and the Chamber of Commerce.
    MCDC has taken the initiative to provide detail information on the Eagle Ford Shale, mainly because of our participation as member of the Board of Directors of the Eagle Ford Consortium.
    Also MCDC is also providing first hand information on the advances of the Energy Reform in Mexico. MCDC is a member of the Bi-national committees, a member of the Cluster Minero Petrolero de Coahuila, and Asociacion de Empresarios Mexicanos.

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