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A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


Former Sheriff Tom Herrera has made an official announcement in reference to his bid to run as an Independent in November for Maverick County Judge on the final official day to register for this election.

Herrera informed The News Gram that he is taking his name off of the ballot in the November General Election.

"I am not doing so for medical reasons," stated Herrera, "It is not a family decision, its simply a personal decision on my part.”


A.D. Ibarra

-Boys & Girls Club


When we arrived at the Boys & Girls Club, about thirty kids of various ages were busy shooting around while Coach Padilla looked on and shouted indications as he has for quite some time now guiding select teams to compete at high levels across South Texas.

The difference on this day, however, was the fact that they would be addressed by someone very special. 

Someone who will not only let them know what is right from wrong, the importance of knowing what it is that you put into your body and knowing who you hang around with.

 It sounds much like what may normally go on at a Boys & Girls Club, the difference is that today's speaker has done the same with the heroes of every kid on this floor, the San Antonio Spurs.




Gov. Rick Perry has announced a Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) investment of $300,000 for Maverick Arms, Inc., a firearms company specializing in shotguns. The company has announced plans to expand its Eagle Pass manufacturing facility, creating 50 new jobs and $3.4 million in capital investment.


A.D. Ibarra

-Carrizo Springs, TX


When Father Jerzy Krzywda of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Carrizo Springs referred to the tragic deaths of two loving children, a brother who had just graduated from Junior High, had friends who cared for him and who looked forward to his high school years and his sister who was equally popular with her friends, friends who courageously took the podium to reflect on just why they considered to be different from all her peers, he made the analogy of a tree, a young sapling which had been cut down in its formative years as opposed to those stoic trees which have braved storms and cold winters and have the scars to show it.

"For some of us, death comes as a slow, wearing down process.It is a bit like the death of an old tree.Every winter has been taking its toll of the tree.Every storm has brought down little pieces of it, sometimes whole branches.The tree has been dying gradually, therefore no one is surprised when at last it falls," said Krzywda, "People who die are forewarned and have a chance to set their house in order, but for others death comes like a bolt out of the blue."


A.D. Ibarra

-Seco Mines


Due to this past weekend's flooding, the Paint the Town event slated for Wednesday, June 25, 2014, has been cancelled.

They will resume next week July 2, 2014.


Comunicado de Prensa

-Humberto O. Garza

EPPD Oficial de Información Pública


Las unidades de Eagle Pass Police Department-Control del Tránsito realizaron un control de conducir y chequeo de licencias el jueves entre las 9:00 hrs. las 10:30 hrs. en una de las calles locales Eagle Pass '.


Press Release

-Maverick County Sheriff 


Sheriff's deputies responded to a motor vehicle accident on US Highway 57 Monday June 23, 2014. Deputies arrived at the scene to observe a green GMC Envoy facing southbound on Highway 57 and a secondary vehicle, a white Ford F-350, stationary on the northbound lane of Highway 57. Contact was made with the driver of the Envoy, who stated she was traveling northbound when the Ford Truck traveling in the opposite direction came into her lane, almost causing a head on collision.


A.D. Ibarra

-Downtown Eagle Pass


Billowing black smoke rose into the air as hundreds of citizens watched in awe as Eagle Pass Fire Fighters battled a blaze that consumed at least four businesses on the corner of Commercial and Rio Grande in Downtown Eagle Pass.

Fire fighters braced themselves as the high pressure blasts of water pushed them back and they attempted to extinguish the blaze in vain as flames cut through the smoke and bit back out of control for what seemed to be a good thirty minutes as business owners looked on in dismay and disbelief.


Adrian Ibarra



Bernadine Lee de Lytle no sólo fue el primer nombre que se seleccionó de la tombola en la última promocion del Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino, estaba allí mismo, delante de la zona de High Roller del casino cuando su nombre fue llamado.

"Sí, lo era, porque quería ganar esta troca para mi marido. Él tiene una troca muy vieja y yo quería que él tuviera una nueva", dijo la afortunada ganadora de una camioneta 2015 Ford F-150 4X4 ya que su esposo Ken es un concesionario de casas móviles en el área de San Antonio.



EPPD Oficial de Informacion Publica


El 21 de junio, los oficiales asignados al Departamento de Policía de Eagle Pass respondio a la cuadra 2100 de la calle principal, en referencia a un accidente de vehiculo de motor de tres coches con motor de uno de los vehículos que huyen de la escena.

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