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A.D. Ibarra
-Commissioner's Court
A major milestone in the future TxDoT, Webb County and Maverick County joint project to pave Old Mines Road was reached as Commissioner's Court approved options on how to utilize the funds garnered from a grant to pave the new highway to our sister city of Laredo.
Congratulations to Mr. Ramiro Martinez, of Eagle Pass High School, for being designated the 2014 Eagle Pass Independent School District, “Teacher of the Year”.
A.D. Ibarra
-SAC Gymnasium
The Eagle Pass Independent School District culminated their school year on Thursday at the EPISD Student Activity Center Gymnasium where all 2,000 employees convened to celebrate the beginning of summer vacations.
Different schools took different approaches to this event, a mandatory meeting of all school personnel where district and campus administration address their employees and attempt to invigorate them to come back well-rested and ready to take on the challenges of a new school year.
Adrian Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
Claudia Wright maestra de ceremoniaen la Gran Inauguración de IntegraClaim, una empresa que viene a Eagle Pass con un nuevo enfoque para la evaluación de los daños que se producen a causa de un desastre natural o un incendio.
Adrian Ibarra
-SAC Gymnasium
El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Eagle Pass culminó su año escolar el jueves en el EPISD Student Activity Center Gymnasium, donde todos los 2,000 empleados se reunieron para celebrar el comienzo de las vacaciones de verano.
Adrian Ibarra
-City Hall
E n la reciente reunión del Consejo Municipal el martes, el Consejo de la Ciudad de Eagle Pass bromeó acerca de la idea de romper la ciudad hasta en cuadrantes y comenzar a cobrar una cuota de $ 10.00 para todos aquellos que desean tener garaje o patio de ventas en sus hogares.
Press Release
-Maverick County Sheriff
Deputies responded to a rollover accident on US Highway 57 Friday afternoon .
Press Release
-Maverick County Sheriff
On Saturday May 31 at approximately 3:29 AM, deputies responded to a call on Ruela Street in reference to a rolled over vehicle.
A.D. Ibarra
-Highway 57
A fatal accident occurred on Highway 57 near La Pryor where two tractor trailers collided.The accident caused the closure of the thoroughfare for several hours.
A.D. Ibarra
The Eagle Pass News Gram was on hand to see the signing of three Lady Eagles to the Laredo Community College Palominos on Tuesday as Claudia Cruz, Samantha Fuentes and Vivian Ramirez all signed national letters of intent to the school.