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A.D. Ibarra
-Maverick County Lake
Commissioner Gerardo “Jerry” Morales of the Administrative Offices of Pct.1 would like to inform our residents that the Splashpad at the Maverick County Lake will open to the public twice a week.
Each Tuesday and Thursday the pool will open from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Comunicado de Prensa
-Consulado de México
El Consulado de México da a conocer el sitio “Study in Mexico” que puso en línea la Secretaría de Educación Pública, con el fin de promover el intercambio de estudiantes internacionales a México.
Entre la información que puede obtener de este sitio destaca la oferta de becas disponibles para estudiantes extranjeros que ofrece el Gobierno de México así como las Instituciones de Educación Superior Públicas y Privadas participantes y las carreras y programas que ofrecen y las ventajas que tienen al estudiar en México.
A.D. Ibarra
-UMC on Veteran's Blvd.
After 41 years of providing the best healthcare to the citizens of Maverick County including OB/Gyn services, UMC had never officially delivered an infant in their facilities, until Wednesday.
The beautiful baby girl was delivered by Dr. David Land and Dr. Alberto Aguayo on Wednesday with the assistance of nurses Norma De La Cruz (Dr. Land's nurse), Esther Perez ( Both with 20 years of experience) and Azeneth Gutierrez (2.5 years experience).
A.D. Ibarra
-EPJ Girl's Gym
On Saturday, the volunteers of Paint The Town along with the Girl Scouts and other organizations Stuffed the Bus, well on Tuesday, they were busy stuffing individual school bags for students to feel motivated to start the new school year
Mayra Batagglia informed The News Gram that as of 10:00 AM on Tuesday, they had already prepared 1,880 bags for children to begin their school year and their goal was 3,000, "The guys are still working on the bags now, so far, so good!"
Press Release
-Maverick County Sheriff
Deputies responded to US Highway 277 North outside of Normandy, Texas Friday morning, after receiving calls of a suspicious vehicle outside a driveway.
Upon arrival, deputies observed several subjects outside of the vehicle changing a tire.
A.D. Ibarra
-Paty's Zumba
Lisa Cain and Patricia Rodriguez of Paty's Zumba graciously hosted a very special event on Tuesday. When Friends United Now invited us to their culminating event celebrating the importance of exercise and proper nutrition in a healthy lifestyle, The News Gram cameras observed an atmosphere of camaraderie, team- work and overall good, clean fun!
"Friends United Now, which is focused on allowing our youth with special needs to participate in worthwhile events alongside other boys and girls in order to live a more fulfilling life, was formed to honor a very special friend of mine," stated Victor Rangel, founder of F.U.N.
A.D. Ibarra
When the first name was drawn from the hopper for the last of two 2015 Ford F-150 4X4 Pick-up Trucks, a Pauline Cortinas from San Antonio was named and the entire casino seemed to have been a bit out of breath, but after five minutes of calling and waiting, the voice in the very loud loudspeaker assured all in attendance that in fact that person was not there and everyone including Laredo's Elma Ruiz continued to hope and sometimes, that glimmer of hope is all we need to believe that Lady Luck can still shine on us.
A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
Eagle Pass and Maverick County will welcome eight of the best youth baseball teams the country has to offer as the 2014 Babe Ruth Southwest Regional Tournament comes to town with all the regalia, pomp and circumstance it deserves this weekend at legendary Moncada Baseball Park.
"We will be hosting the Southwest Regional Tournament for 13 Year-olds and the winner moves on to the 2014 Babe Ruth World Series which will be held in Virginia this year," stated longtime Babe Ruth man and local Commissioner Morris Libson, Jr. who was quick to thank the city on their exceptional work to get our ballparks to peak form and by the looks of our first-ever tarp crew who practiced rolling up our newest addition to this particular field which will help us to get back to play if inclement weather should arise.
A.D. Ibarra
Former Eagle Pass High School Principal Rudy Bowles did not waste much time between calling it a career after 40 years in the EPISD before the calling to public service inspired him.
Bowles registered Tuesday to run for the EPISD Board of Trustees and was given the oath by personnel at EPISD Risk Management at the District Service Center.
"I'm looking forward to having a nice campaign.I have a political background as you well know.I'd like to use my sixteen years of experience as an administrator because I learned a lot and have seen that there is lot that needs to be done.
A.D. Ibarra
-US Highway 57
A freak accident occurred on US Highway 57 approximately 20 miles out of Eagle Pass where a lone tractor trailer combusted prompting fire trucks and EMT units to rush to the area. According to State Trooper Madrigal, DPS Public Information Officer, a trailer burst into flames and was reported at 2:41 PM. The driver was uninjured and the cause of the blaze is unknown.
What is know is that as late as 8:00 PM, firefighters and other law enforcement units were still dealing with the situation.