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Adrian Ibarra
-MC Court House
Deniz Brown, de la Oficina de Impuestos del EPISD, anunció que 19 propiedades serán subastadas el día 5 de agosto, que incluye casas y tierras pertenecientes a los deudores tributarios. Esta subasta coincidirá con el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Eagle Pass quien informó a The News Gram que en estos momentos se esta acumulando su deuda.
"Tenemos una lista de venta de propiedadesy tierras, que hasta ese día puedenhacer un arreglo con el fin de ser eliminado de la lista de impuestos de venta, por lo que se informa a los contribuyentes quepueden venir a nuestra oficina, y no sólo los nuestros, sino que de Linebarger, el condado y la ciudad, así para que puedan seguir adelante y hacer los arreglos necesarios con todas las entidades que deben eliminarse por completo de la lista de venta de impuestos", concluyó.
Maverick County LGBTQ Association organizes first ever community Pride Festival.
In an effort to promote diversity and acceptance within our community for LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Questioning) citizens, the Maverick County LGBTQ Association has organized a Pride Weekend.
“Pride” is celebrated all around the world creating unity, embracing diversity, and recognizing the contributions of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered people. “This event is the first of its kind locally,” states Association Member Luis Ruiz, “…our overall goal is to gain visibility as a social group, build community, and celebrate diversity and gender variance.”
Adrian Ibarra
-Condado de Maverick
Aurora Sánchez, del Departamento de Recursos Comunitarios del Condado de Bexar estaba en Eagle Pass el miércoles para hacer una presentación ante el Consejo de Administración del Hospital de Distrito del Condado de Maverick en referencia al gran éxito del programa Ryan White que está siendo administrado por William Worrell aquí.
A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
When one thinks of business leaders, civic leaders, elected officials, lawmakers, law enforcement officers and most importantly judges, you may invariably think of men in these positions. The reality of the situation in this day and age is that many of the aforementioned occupations are more and more being filled by women.
Take elected officials for instance, we recently elected Gloria Hernandez to serve on our city council.The Honorable Cynthia Muñiz for many years has occupied her 365th Judicial District Court seat.
Humberto Gamez former Groundskeeper for the EPISD, was honored by the organizers of the 2014 Southwest Regional Baseball Tournament for his assistance in this respect during the various tournaments that are being held in our fair city. Mayor Ramsey English-Cantú threw out the first pitch as Rosie Aguirre batted and Public Works Director Hector Chavez was the catcher.
A.D. Ibarra
-Ft Duncan
The Eagle Pass 13 Year-old All-Stars did it again on Monday coming from behind to defeat perennial powerhouse Texas Tri-County in a game that was not for the faint of heart.
Braulio Rodriguez put the 'S' on his chest in this highly important matchup where Eagle Pass Manager Isaac Gonzalez wanted to get the most out of his pitching while preserving valuable innings for his ace Rey Rey Mendoza and perform he did as Rodriguez got out of the first inning unscathed getting speedy Scooter Adams to ground out to second, Ryan Hermes flied out to first and Jerrette Brown flied out to Mendoza in center.
Adrian Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
Sandra Martínez, Directora Ejecutiva de la Cámara de Comercio de Eagle Pass, le informó al News Gram del fin de semana libre de impuestos inminente donde los compradores de Eagle Pass y Piedras Negras pueden tomar ventaja de "Esta maravillosa oportunidad por el Estado de Texas, del 08 al 10 de agosto en el que el estado va a imponer su día de ventas anual sin impuestos en muchos artículos que son necesarios para los niños y los jóvenes a regresar a la escuela, la oportunidad de escapar de tener que pagar impuestos sobre las ventas en objetos como la ropa, el calzado, y suministros para la escuela".
Adrian Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
En un incidente que varias personas, entre ellas un patrullero de la frontera EE.UU. en servicio y un diputado fuera de servicio, una de color dorado 2001 Cadillac que fue imprudente conduciendo a una alta tasa de velocidad el domingo a las 1:00 am aproximadamente en dirección oeste de conducción en la calle principal golpearon y saltó la acera en la esquina de Main y Pecos haciendo que el conductor pierda el control de sacar una cerca de ciclón, un poste de electricidad que pertenece a AEP, así como hormigón y ladrillo signo que pertenece a la Autoridad de Vivienda de Eagle Pass.
On Thursday, July 17, 2014 we had some of our former Old School Boys Club members come and present Scholarships to Anaid Mallen and Esmeralda Arreola for their outstanding performance and dedication in academic excellence of their senior year 2013-2014. We congratulate and wish the very best in their college years. Thank you also to our following former members who made this event possible, Luis Garza, Osvaldo Hernandez, Jose Gutierrez, Abel Garza, Danny Palos, Pedro "Petonga" Garcia, Abel Sertuche, Ernest Montalvo, Jose Menchaca, Mario Rodriguez, Juan "Chuco" Mejia.
You are educated, your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world. - Tom Brokaw
A.D. Ibarra
-Precinct 3
After recent flooding, residents of Northern Maverick County were given a notice to boil water for human consumption.County Commissioner of Precinct 3 Jose Luis Rosales advised The News Gram of the fact that the notice has since been removed as per state requirements.
A.D. Ibarra
-Austin to Alaska
The life debilitating disease whose mere mention sends collective chills down the spine of all Americans continues to adversely affect our mother, fathers, sisters and brothers the world over and whether it directly or indirectly affects you, its consequences can motivate ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things.
One courageous young lady who hails from Eagle Pass andattends The University of Texas at Austin, is taking the perils of cancer, which recently impacted her family, to take this tragedy and set out to make a difference in cancer research in a very novel way.