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Adrian Ibarra
-Radar Base
Una nueva torre de observación meteorológica que dará servicio gratuito a todas las aeronaves en el Aeropuerto Internacional del Condado de Maverick monumento fue dedicado y una ceremonia de inauguración se llevó a cabo el miércoles.
Entre los invitados estuvieron el congresista de Texas Pete Gallego y el Representante Estatal Alfonso Nevares, Juez del Condado de Maverick David Saucedo, Alcalde Ramsey English-Cantú y Rosa de la Garza Air Evac Lifeteam.
Adrian Ibarra
-Atascosa, Condado
Trooper Anthony Flores, Oficial de Información Pública del Departamento de Seguridad Pública de Texas, le informó al News Gram de un accidente que se produjo en las primeras horas de la mañana del jueves en la milla 131 de IH-35en el Condado de Atascosa donde una camioneta sufrió un reventón de llanta, perdiendo el control de su vehículo y chocando con una van en el carril contrariogolpeandoa la SUV.
A.D. Ibarra
-Hwy 57
A horrific accident which occurred on Highway 57 westbound toward Eagle Pass seven miles west of mile marker 414 which required that one woman and her daughter be airlifted to University Hospital in San Antonio.
A.D. Ibarra
-Del Rio, TX
Daryl Fields, Public Affairs Officer for the United States Attorney's Office Western District of Texas informed The News Gram of the myriad of sentencing hearings which are upcoming in the cases stem- ming from the extensive investigations which have come out of Eagle Pass and Maverick County.
First of all, Fields mentioned that many times these cases get pushed for- ward for many reasons, however he did inform The News Gram of the latest in these cases such as the impending sentencing of Hector Chavez on August 13th and Saul Lombraña on the 14th. That of former County Commissioner Cesar Flores whose sentencing has been pushed forward to February 23rd has also been rescheduled again.
El Consulado de México en Eagle Pass, Texas, tiene el agrado de informar que del 25 al 29 de Agosto se llevará a cabo la “Semana de Derechos Laborales”.
En esa semana se ofrecerá información general sobre los derechos laborales de interés común para el empleador, el trabajador, su familia y su comunidad. Se llevará a cabo en todos los Consulados de México en los Estados Unidos y Canadá.
A $10 payment may be made on the 2015 Stampede yearbook at C.C. Winn High School's registration, which begins Monday, August 11th. The 2015 Yearbook, which will cost students $40, can be reserved with a $10 payment. Students can also get $10 off the 2014 yearbooks that remain, which was also sold for $40 last year. Yearbooks from 2007 through 2013 are only $25 and can also be purchased at registration.
The yearbook staff will have a table set up at C.C. Winn's registration beginning Monday for 9th graders and throughout the week, concluding with 12th graders on Thursday.
Seniors will also be able to make an appointment for cap and gown pictures, which will be taken on September 5-7 in the C.C. Winn Auditorium. Yearbook sponsor Adolfo Flores will be available at registration to answer questions about senior portraits.
A.D. Ibarra
-Santa Fe, NM
The Eagle Pass 14U All Stars have been battling it out at Bicentennial Park in Santa Fe, New Mexico at the 2014 Southwestern Little League Junior Softball Championship Tournament.
A.D. Ibarra
At a recent meting of the EPISD, raises were approved for all professional and para-professional employees of the Eagle Pass Independent School District.
A 3.5% raise was approved for professional personnel and a 3.75% raise was approved for para-professional staff and manual trades.Administration received a salary adjustment.
Adrian Ibarra
-City Hall
El Concilio de Eagle Pass se encuentra trabajando con la firma de Hawes Hill & Calderón con el fin de analizar la posibilidad de centrarse en varias áreas de nuestra bella ciudad que a lo mejor no parecen mucho en este momento, pero que muestran la promesa de un gran crecimiento económico en el futuro.
Hablamos con el concejal y el alcalde Pro Tem Luis Sifuentes quien le informóa The NewsGram de lo que él llamó momentos muy emocionantes que vienen en términos de enfoque económico y el desarrollo potencial que pueden cambiar para siempre el rostro de la ciudad.
A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
The Chamber of Commerce of Eagle Pass is working to prepare their monthly community breakfast this August which is dedicated to two very important endeavors the upcoming Expo for Women as well as the Candles for Life, as they will recognize the contributions of women in our society as well as to highlight the highly important event which brings awareness to those fighting cancer as well as to honor those who have fallen.