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Eagle Pass Administration from the EPISD is working to insure that all staff are appropriately certified to carry out their duties on a day to day basis. They have established a protocol in order to insure 100% certification of all staff in order to raise the levels of education for all students stated Rodolfo Lopez, member of the EPISD Board of Trustees. Lopez also mentioned that as much as a year ago, 100 teachers, almost 10% were non-certified and as of now, there are only four who have not completed their certification programs. Should these individuals fail to receive their certificates in due time, they will be terminated. He added that it is important that the teachers be completely certified and prepared to tackle the rigors of being able to adequately service each and every one of the students of this district to the best of their ability and the district is going to insure that this is happening through a series of methods which includes frequent monitoring and walkthroughs by school administrators as well as by central office personnel in order to insure that all student’s needs are addressed regardless of their ability or disability to learn. As national education standards continue to rise, it is up to the district and its teachers and paraprofessionals to insure that all students are addressed even if they need one-to-one or small group instruction. Teachers who do not have the benefit of an aide should make time during independent practice to address the needs of these students who may need the extra help. It is in this way that schools may collectively meet adequate yearly progress which is getting harder and harder to meet each year. This along with other important intervention methods such as increased security, the implementation of D.A.R.E. programs and other interventions to divert students away from the pitfalls of illicit drug use, gang violence and bullying as well as effective teacher intervention and parental involvement is they best way to insure that these goals are accomplished.
Celestino Hernández, representante en Eagle Pass del departamento de Transportación de Texas (TxDOT), anunció que será el próximo lunes 8 de octubre, por la mañana, cuando se realice la inauguración de la segunda fase del Outer Lopp, o loop 480, que conectará de El Indio Highway a el Puente Internacional dos. Esta segunda fase pasará por el sur de la Ciudad. Las autoridades del TxDOT aun no determinan donde realizarán el corte de listón, podría ser en el punto mas alto del Overpass que se construyó sobre la carretera a El Indio. Esta vialidad ayudará mucho al tráfico vehicular en la Ciudad, camiones comerciales podrán entrar al Puente Internacional dos o conectarse a las carreteras del Condado de Maverick sin entrar a la Ciudad. Los automovilistas particulares también podrán aprovechar esta vialidad. El loop 480 conectará desde la carretera 57 hasta el puente internacional dos, con dos overpass, uno en la carretera US 277 east y El Indio Hwy.
El personal educativo del Distrito Escolar local debe de estar debidamente calificado para su trabajo. El Distrito Escolar de Eagle Pass (EPISD) ha establecido una revisión especial para que los profesores tengan su título registrado ante el Estado de Texas, y de este modo se ha elevado la calidad de la educación, así lo dijo Rodolfo López, miembro de la mesa directiva. Comentó que hasta hace unos cuantos años se había detectado que casi 100 profesores, o sea el 10 por ciento, no tenían título, y bajo el trabajo de la presente Mesa Directiva se ha logrado que a la fecha solamente cuatro no lo tienen, pero están en proceso de recibir la certificación estatal, si no la obtienen, serán desocupados. Mencionó que es importante que los profesores tengan su preparación completa. El Distrito Escolar en Eagle Pass cuenta con aproximadamente mil profesores, incluyendo asistentes. Ellos representan una parte fundamental para la educación de los niños y jóvenes. Rodolfo Lopez indicó que también uno de los enfoques de su trabajo en la mesa directiva ha sido combatir la droga en las escuelas, por eso se ha reforzado la vigilancia en los planteles. Diversas medidas de seguridad se han adoptado en los planteles, dijo. Dijo que para tener éxito en la lucha contra las drogas en las escuelas se requiere del apoyo de los profesores, la policía escolar, pero también de los padres de familia.Rodolfo Lopez, dijo que ante este problema necesitan trabajar unidos.
La Directora del Sistema de Puentes Internacionales de Eagle Pass, dio a conocer que esta semana se puso en funcionamiento en el puente internacional uno, un carril exclusivo para cruce de automovilistas con tarjeta electrónica de pre-pago. El carril designado para esto es el que se ubica mas a la derecha, donde también pueden tener acceso los que vienen por la calle Comercial. Con esto se busca facilitar y hacer mas rápido el cruce a lado mexicano, anteriormente solamente en el Puente Internacional dos había un carril exclusivo para el cruce de automovilistas con tarjeta electrónica, ahora también estará en el puente uno. Dijo que este carril estará funcionando de lunes a jueves, y estará en un período de prueba, si tiene buen funcionamiento entonces funcionará de manera permanente, o bien, si hay inconvenientes en su funcionamiento entonces habría cambios. El Sistema de Eagle Pass se prepara para mejorar los tiempos de cruce, justo cuando esta por venir la temporada de fin de año, en que hay mas tráfico. Con esto se busca también promover que los automovilistas, usuarios frecuentes de los puentes, compren la tarjeta de pre-pago,. Según datos dados a conocer por Marga Lopez a la fecha se han vendido casi 3,300 tarjetas electrónicas, pero el plan es que mas personas las tengan, esto ayudará a mejorar el tiempo de cruce.
San Luis Elementary students kicked off a great school year with school supplies donated by Pizza Hut. As they received their gifts, students were encouraged to try their best this school year and make good grades. Pizza Hut Manager Gonzalo Castillo and staff distributed school supplies to several schools including Rosita Valley, Sam Houston, Ray Darr, Benavidez, San Luis and plan to visit more campuses.
La Cámara de Comercio de Eagle Pass organizó la inauguración de la tienda "Mi Boutique" localizada en la calle Main en el Centro de Eagle Pass. El evento se realizó durante la mañana del martes 11 de septiembre, y asistieron diversas autoridades de la Ciudad, entre ellas el mayor Ramsey English Cantú, quien agradeció a la Familia Vargas, los propietarios de esta tienda, la confianza para invertir en esta ciudad. Este nuevo negocio se localiza a media cuadra del Teatro Azteca.
-Eagle Pass
The final public hearing on the raising of County taxes will be held today at 5:00 P.M. at the County Commissioner's Court Chambers. As the County continues to prepare the final stages of the budget for the next Fiscal Year, one item suggested by Financial Adviser Robert Rodriguez was the raising of taxes from 0.51 to 0.58 for every $100.00 of property value. Members of the general public are invited to attend and give their opinions and/or suggestions as to the proposed increase. Several concerned citizens were present at the first public hearing and expressed their much heated disdain at the proposed hikes among other inconsistencies they felt were occurring at the County level.
Eagle Pass
Eagle Pass City Council held their final hearing for the proosed budget in order for the public to express their conerns or opinions in reference to how things will get done this next fiscal year. Tax rate increases are also a part of said budget, yet only one person made the time to voice their concern. Sonia Shannon was that concerned citizen who made her voice heard at the hearing on Tuesday. Shannon said to have been rpresenting other concerned citizens to request that City Council reconsider raising taxes next year. Mary Velasquez, City Secretary, said that the next meeting will be on September 18th when City Council will decide if the increase will take place as well as to adopt the next budget which kicks in October 1st. City Manager Daniel Valenzuela continues to function in his administrative position through October 7th and he mentioned that one of his priorities before leaving is to leave the City with an approved budget. Velasquez added that the proposed budget will be around $17.6 million for the coming fiscal year. The proposed tax hike is set at approximately 0.175 cents per $100.00 of property value. The council is raising taxes by a minimal amount in order to offset costs which will be included for projects in the coming budget. She also added that this was the last of the public hearings in respect to these hikes and now it will be up to the council to approve the coming budget.
Eagle Pass
Time Warner Cable in conjunction with County Commissioner of Pct. 1 Eliaz Maldonado, is planning to show a children's movie at Maverick County Lake for the citizens of Maverick County to bring their children to enjoy. Other activities are also planned for the children to enjoy before and after the screening. "Happy Feet Two" will be the feature which will be projected on a giant screen at the faclility. This is part of big plans to bring more people to Maverick County lake on a regular basis. Also on hand will be members of the D.A.R.E Program who will be providing information and conducting activities to go along with the event. Commissioner Maldonado asks interested persons who would like to give of their time to volunteer to assist with this and other activities to come by his office at the corner of Bibb and El Indio Highway. He is looking forward to this and many other events which can provide much needed diversions for the youth of Eagle Pass. NHS members from both high schools are also reminded that they too can benefit from this event by logging in community service hours by volunteering.
Eagle Pass
The request to solicit a $3.6 million loan was approved by City Council at their Tuesday regular meeting at Council Chambers. The loan will serve to cover several important projects including the reparation of streets, informed Mary Velasquez, City Secretary. The plan to make said request was approved at the September 11th in order complete several impending projects which include the remodeling of the public library. Plans are also in place to utilize funds to give much needed pay increase to employees.