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Staff -
Eagle Pass
Traffic is being diverted from El Indio Hwy in order to make way for construction crews who are beginning work on the new overpass. Chief of Police Antonio Castaneda informed The News Gram that some access areas from Monroe St. and Ceylon St. have been affected by the construction company in charge of the project. He mentioned that it was necessary for them to close these streets due to the risks for motorists getting hurt in accidents due to the heavy machinery and the equipment in the immediate area and asks motorists to please have patience and for them to take the necessary precautions when driving in these areas. Construction has been ongoing for approximately a month now and it is projected that construction will go on for a year and streets will continue to be closed to facilitate work on this very important project. This overpass will alleviate the traffic coming into the United States from International Bridge II as well as assisting motorists to avoid the traffic of trains passing through the area.
-Eagle Pass
A terrible accident occurred on Saturday morning which left a man dead and his family seriously injured as his Trail Blazer impacted a tractor trailer which crossed into his path on Hwy 57. In the accident, District Judge Amado Abascal was also injured as his vehicle also crashed into the vehicle. The accident occurred at approximately 6:30 A.M. when the sun had not yet risen in the morning sky. JP Tere Melendrez was on hand to pronounce Ruben Segura, 39, dead at the scene as he was traveling with his wife and children.
A.D. Ibarra
-Mav Co. Lake
Hundreds converged on Maverick County Lake to listen to a key note address by The Honorable Julian Castro, Mayor of San Antonio, who this year did the same at the most significant event of this political season, the Democratic National Convention. There's never been a more important time for folks to come out and vote," stated Castro in an exclusive interview with The eagle Pass News Gram, "the issues that are on the table that affect our lives: Medicare, jobs and the economy, the issue of education and how much we're gonna invest in that for our young people." Castro has quickly become one of the most influential Hispanics in what we are calling the 'Sleeping Giant", the new majority which up to now has been a silent one in terms of coming together to voice our opinion, to make a difference especially here in Texas a traditionally Republican state.
Tuvieron que pasar varios años de planeación y de buscar recursos y de construcción y por fin el sábado 6 de octubre del 2012 fue inagurado el Teatro estudiantil que representa la última fase del proyecto del Centro de Actividades Estudiantiles (SAC) que ha quedado finalizado. El Centro de Actividades Estudiantiles se localiza por la carretera 277 sur, a casi una milla a la salida de Eagle Pass. El teatro cuenta con lo mas moderno en equipo y tiene un diseño que impresiona a los visitantes. Fue a has 10 de la mañana cuando autoridades del Distrito Escolar (EPISD), acompañados de autoridades locales develaron una placa del teatro y realizaron el corte de listón para posteriormente entrar al teatro y realizar una ceremonia especial.
A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
Texas Secretary of State Hope Andrade was in Eagle Pass to send the message to all those who have not registered to vote or those Eagle Passans who know of someone who has not registered to let them know that the deadline to do so is November 9th and the process is quick and easy. The Make Your Mark on Texas registration campaign is her latest effort to get Texas voters' voices to be heard and Texas' first Hispanic Secretary of State was here to remind us that there are different ways that you can get in touch, via Facebook, Twitter and now via a website called Andrade stressed the importance of all eligible voters to be sure to exercise their right to participate in the democratic process.
Staff -Eagle Pass
Monday October 8th will be the first day of the new stage of Loop 480 which will connect International Bridge II with El Indio Highway. This phase called the Outer Loop actually reaches Highway 57, which The Honorable Hope Andrade, Texas Secretary of State so proudly spoke of in her address on Thursday at City Council Chambers. Eventually the loop will reach Highway 277 to Del Rio and it shows the progress of our community and the future economic development we will surely see in the near future. Celestino Hernandez, TxDoT Representative, said that the ceremony to open the new byway will be at 9:30 A.M. at the intersection of El Indio and the new loop. Dignitaries will be on hand for the festivities then the loop will be open for business. This will aid in alleviating traffic in the immediate areas especially in terms of commercial traffic as they will no longer have to travel within the city to get to where they're going as time is of the essence in their line of business.
A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
Dana Bacon and Ana Claudia Rodas were in town on Tuesday introducing the American Cancer Society's 'Know Before You Vote' campaign to the greater Maverick County area as well as throughout South Texas and the 23rd Congressional District to get a feel for the pulse of the campaign as well as to hear the candidates and their issues and stances on an issue which has become more and more personal and prevalent in the human landscape, that of cancer. All of us in some way have had our run-ins with this dreaded disease and thanks to advances in treatments, procedures and research, many have lived to tell about thier experiences, unfortunately for many a loved one, the opposite holds true, but the Americsn Cancer Society is making an effort to remind our legislators not to forget about much needed funding to continue the research which is making significant strides to defeat cancer once and for all.
-Eagle Pass
A meeting was held on Wednesday at the office of the Mexican Consulate between Federal authorities who work in Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras in order to better communicate during emergency situations. On behalf of Piedras Negras, officials from Mexican Customs were also on hand to participate. David Zimov, American Consulate from Laredo was also present plus authorities from US Customs and Border Protection. Zimov expressed his concern with the recent problems in Piedras Negras and authorities simply want to insure open lines of communication between the two nations. He also added that the planting of the inert explosive device last week affected both countries due to emergency procedures and several ideas have been bantered about which could go into effect within the coming months. He added that there is presently a warning system in place that will alert citizens of an emergency via a text messaging system.
- Ten schools from across the U.S. will win $1,000 grant for drug prevention -
- Ten families will win an iPad for the home -
The National Family Partnership® (NFP) announces the national contest for its 27th annual Red Ribbon Week®, Oct. 23-31. Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in the country. In 1988 after the murder of a DEA agent, parents, youth and teachers in communities across the country began wearing Red Ribbons as a symbol of their commitment to raise awareness of the destruction caused by drugs.
-Eagle Pass
For the second time this week, International Bridge II was closed to traffic, this time on Friday night when fortunately, traffic was light at the time.
A 911 call was received at 10:00 P.M. at the office of the Maverick County Sheriff and Homeland Security was immediately alerted and the decision was made to close the bridge.All traffic was diverted to International Bridge I which remained open until it was determined that it was a false alarm.
The bridge opened up for circulation, Bridge I closed and all returned to normal.
On Wednesday, the bridge was closed for six hours as an inert explosive device was indeed left in the middle of the bridge which prompted bomb squads from San Antonio and Del Rio to come and handle the emergency situation.
Detectives are attempting to determine the identity of the person who left the device through monitoring of surveillance equipment.