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A.D. Ibarra
-Maverick County

    Day 2 of the hearings which will decide the future of Maverick County Auditor Fidencio Ortiz continued on Wednesday as The Honorable Cynthia Muniz welcomed The Honorable Camille DuBose and The Honorable Amado Abascal, District Judges all, to her chambers at the 365th Judicial District Court Room.
    Several employees from the auditor's office were summoned into the private room where deliberations were taking place with independent auditor Milo Martinez also available to answer any specific questions after meeting with the triumvirate on March 20th for three hours leaving behind stacks of documentation for the judges to review.
    Also expected to testify is recently ousted Financial Advisor Robert Rodriguez of Southwestern Capital Markets who have served as FA to Maverick County for seven years and have seen the progress Maverick County has progressively made since the budget cuts of 2012 as well as the dark reality of the cases which have drawn national attention to our county.
    County officials could be seen in Commissioner's Court eagerly awaiting the decision on whether to relieve Ortiz of his duties and or extending his contract in order for him to continue.
    As of press time no decision was made and deliberations continue today.


    Former Chairman of the Maverick County Hospital District JM Farias was recognized on Tuesday at the meeting held at the Conference Center of the MCHD offices as present head, Joaquin Rodriguez handed Farias a plaque commemorating his years of service at the head of the board.
    Farias accepted the award but not until he stated that he hopes that citizens choose to serve their community unselfishly whether it means financial compensation or not.
    “I hope that when citizens choose to help their community by serving on boards and committees, they do so in positions that don’t pay,” said the board member, “I have always done my best to give back to my community in any way I can, but I challenge my fellow citizens to do the same on boards which they do not receive any compensation for.”


    Ayer cerca de las 4 de la tarde se escuchó en el scanner que una persona que estaba detenida en la carcel intentaba suicidarse. Inmediatamente acudió una ambulancia al departamento de policia, llegaron los paramedicos por las puertas traseras cerca de las 4:20 de la tarde, los paramedicos cargaban  en la camilla a un joven y cerca de las 4:29 partieron al hospital.  Tratamos de entrevistar el jefe de policia pero no se encontraba.  El Teniente  Aldo Escamilla nos informa que esta persona habia sido detenido esta mañana por un robo menor de $500.00. 
    Se esta investigando si en realidad intentaba suicidarse o  si se sentia mal.  Pero hay muchas personas que cuando llegan a la carcel por cosas pequeñas hacen eso, y no pueden tomar riesgos  y prefieren llamar para pedir ayuda y si ellos concideran necesario se lo llevan al hospital y en este caso el joven fue llevado a emergencia.


A.D. Ibarra
-Glass Elementary

    Did you know that Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21 in the development of a human embryo?
     Down syndrome is the most common chromosome abnormality in humans, occurring in about one per 1000 babies born each year.
     When the students in Alejandra Lechler Ruiz' class were told they were going to study the disorder and learn why two of their classmates are different, but not abnormal, Ruiz and her colleagues, Cindy Sanchez and Claudia Martinez decided they were going to take on the challenge of taking Down Syndrome awareness to the next level and spend a week on the subject leading up to World Down Syndrome Day.
     Officers Hazel Diaz and Joe De La Garza along with Zumba instructors Lisa and Patty of the Zumba Academy on Del Rio Blvd. also got involved and the brainchild of the Glass Elementary self-contained unit began to take shape as the students enjoyed a day filled with exceptional cardio, learning, awareness and a whole lot of fun!
     "It was a very educational experience for our staff, students and the student body overall," said Cindy Sanchez, who informed The News Gram of the very special event for very special kids, "We incorporated the disorder into our science lessons and it was an educational aspect of their 'reading aloud' time."
     They also spoke to administration and encouraged the student body to show awareness to their two classmates who have Down Syndrome by wearing mis-matched socks as this was designated as the symbol for the cause and many of the Falcon student body did just that by donning their mis-matched socks on that day.
     March 21 has been designated as World Down Syndrome Day due to the significance of that 21st chromosome which is more special than those of a normal human being and we should see that in the eyes of these kids who are just as special and can learn to do many things a normal child can including read.
     A very special PowerPoint presentation honoring the two young ladies was shown to all who attended bringing the entire activity to a warm and fitting end.
     So next time you see a child or adult with Down Syndrome, remember that they deserve the best that our schools can give and can be just as productive as any child in school.


    En un esfuerzo por proteger a nuestras mascotas, se anuncia que los Servicios Veterinarios Torres Mobile tendra la celebración de su vacunación  este sábado, abril 09 a.m.-01:00 pm en el  Pabellón  del Lago del Condado de Maverick. Para obtener más información, llame a Claudia Torres, DVM al (830) 352-1415.
    "Los invito y exhorto a todos los dueños de mascotas para aprovechar de la clínica, que ofrece bienestar de ahorro de costos para sus perros y gatos", declaró  doctora Torres, "Garantizar  que la mascota en su familia está vacunado correctamente antes de una posible exposición es fundamental para protegerse a sí mismo , su mascota y su comunidad. "


Adrian Ibarra
-Eagle Pass

    El Informe de Tráfico para el mes de marzo fue proporcionado por  María Martínez, Asistente del Director Puente, coches y el tráfico de camiones es de hasta 8.5% a partir de 2014, con 211,302 cruces en comparación a la del año pasado 194,751.
    El tráfico comercial es ligeramente un aumento de 3.89% a partir de 8,808 el año pasado a 9,151 en 2015.
    El tráfico peatonal es en realidad por 6.35% a 59,814 desde 63,871 el pasado año una diferencia de 4.057.
    El tráfico de camiones de tres ejes es de 36.21% con 1,576 cruces en marzo de este año en comparación con 1,157 en Marzo de 2014. Sólo podemos esperar que el tráfico comercial aumenta a través de la Eagle Pass Del Rio, San Angelo, Lubbock corredor ahora que serios esfuerzos para mejorar la infraestructura de nuestro estado vecino de Coahuila sigue mejorando y vemos el proyecto de expansión  en el puente II siga su curso.
    El tráfico total subio por un 0.68% en el Puente I a 169,177 este año, en contraste con los 168,032 del año pasado.
    El tráfico total en el Puente II es por 11.82% ya que se registraron 113,445 cruces totales en comparación con 101,456 en Marzo de 2014.
    El total de vehículos han aumentado un 8.36% a 222,808 frente a 205,617 el año pasado en este tiempo.


    This past Saturday March 28, 2015 the Boys and Girls Club of Eagle Pass had their cross country meet in the Maverick County Lake at 9 am. There were six different categories between Boys and Girls in division I, II, and III the first five runners from each category were scored. Results were the following:

1st and 2 grade Girls
(1. place, Sofia Ramirez from San Luis Elementary, time 4:05:72 (2. place, Gracie Garcia, Benavidez Elementary, time 4:05:90
(3. place, Dulce Reyna, San Luis Elementary, time 4:06:26
(4. place, Giada Penalver San Luis Elementary, time 4:06:37
(5. place, Jazel Guerrero, OLOR Elementary, time 4:31:10.

1st and 2nd grade Boys
(1. place, Jose Luis Aguilar, San Luis Elementary, time 4:03:94, (2. place, Grabiel Flores, San Luis Elementary, time 4:04:07 , (3. place, Josue Velez, Benavides Elementary, time 4:04:17 , (4. place, Javier Ramirez, San Luis Elementary, time 4:07:10 , (5. place, Xavier Barrera Glass Elementary, time 4:09:27.


    Jorge Sanchez, director de Parques y Recreación está recordando a la comunidad que los 17 parques con lo que cuenta la ciudad estan totalmente listos , arreglados y acondicionados para este domingo de Easter donde muchas personas suelen salir con sus familias a disfrutar de este dia. Las recomendaciones que da el Sr. Sanchez son:
    Hay un toque de queda, nadie puede reservar espacios desde un dia antes. No pueden amarrar cadenas para separar su espacio, Solamente el domingo y a partir de las 6 de la mañana pueden llegar y tomar las areas que mas les guste. No puede subir autos dentro del parque , esto lo prohibe la ordenanza de la ciudad #8036 ya que hay regadores automaticos y pueden quebrar las tuberias. Tampoco se puede prender lumbre o fuego en el piso, para eso
estan los asadores o usted puede llevar su asador portatil. Se les recomienda que recojan    la basura. Trabajadores del departamento van a andar checando las areas. limpiando baños e inclusive se estaran dando bolsas para mantener limpias las areas. Para preguntas comunicarse a las oficinas de parques y recreacion al 773-4343


A.D. Ibarra
-Maverick County

    The Honorable Ramsey English Cantú, Mayor of the City of Eagle Pass informed The News Gram of the Office of Administration Hearings for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality which were held throughout the day on Monday at the 365th District Court Room.
    Judge Rebecca Smith from the State Department heard the proceedings.
    "Basically we were trying to obtain party status for this particular expansion of the permit boundaries," stated the mayor.
    The permit in question is #WQ 0003511000 which would allow discharge of water from the coal mine into Elm Creek.
    "There were several individuals attempting to obtain party status in order to be allowed in the process of the hearings which will be held in November."   
    The hearings will be held from November 16th through the 23rd at the TECQ Headquarters in Austin.
    Mayor Cantú also informed us that the landowners adjacent to the actual creek were given Party Status, Maverick County was given Party Status, the City of Eagle Pass was given Conditional Status, "Those given Party Status live within one mile of the lowest lying sedimentation pond within the property."
    "The county was represented on their behalf by David Frederick who basically provided the justification for legal right and the authority as for the water code to inspect water quality in the area if any discharge was to be sent to Elm Creek, so they were granted Party Status because of the park."
    "Our issues dealt with the water quality and the discharge that would be put into Elm Creek that would go down stream into the Rio Grande where we obtain our drinking water from our intake system which is 1.6 miles from the discharge of the Elm Creek."
McElroy, Sullivan, Miller, Webber and Ohlmstead, Adam Friedman in particular represented the City of Eagle Pass.
    The News Gram also caught up with Rudy Rodriguez, Public Information Officer for Dos Republicas who informed us that the hearing was to establish parties of interest, landowners who are integrating so that they could be represented by one attorney.
    "On the Railroad Commission, everybody was one party," stated Rodriguez, "the County, the City was conditionally admitted and six landlords integrated, one was denied and another was left pending."
    Rodriguez also informed The News Gram of the official date of the hearings in Austin from November 16th through the 23rd.
    "We currently hold a permit for part of the mine, the largest part, but when we amended it, the Railroad Commission expanded it to over 6,000 acres.  So now we are amending this permit to mirror those lines, the boundaries of the Railroad Commission Permit."
He said the concerns of those who attended the hearing were about a specific component, but were in his terms 'very speculative'.
    "We have a big portion of the mine that already has a permit.  June 1st is the projected starting date and we have the necessary permits for that."


The Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce International Friendship Festival Parade took place this Saturday and hundreds of families could be seen lining the streets of downtown Eagle Pass to catch a  glimpse of this year’s fabulous floats. 

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