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Inscripciones para Programa de Verano comienzan 02 de junio

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Adrian Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


Jorge Sánchez, Director de Parques y Recreación de la Ciudad de Eagle Pass, informó The News Gram de la disponibilidad de espacios en el Programa de Verano de este año nuevo , que se llevará a cabo en cuatro lugares distintos, todos ellos tendrán emocionante, divertido y la mayoría de todas las actividades saludables para los niños a participar en de 8:00 AM-5:00 PM a partir de junio 16 al 08 de agosto.

El programa es para niños de 6 a 12 y la inscripción comienza 02 de junio en las cuatro ubicaciones de programa,  Múltipurpose Center, el P. Benavides Centro Roy en Buckley St., San Luis Centro de Williams y la Loma de la Cruz Centro en Leona St.

El Departamento de Parques y Recreación también ofrecerá clases de natación para jóvenes para los niños mayores de 5 años. El precio es de $ 50.00 por dos sesiones de una semana larga hora, que van de lunes a viernes durante dos semanas durante una hora por día. Hay cinco niveles de maestría y certificaciones : Estrellas de mar, Guppy, Goldfish, Delfines y Tiburones.

Los programas se ejecutarán posteriormente en el Mulripurpose, el Roy P. Benavides Centro en Buckley St., San Luis Centro por la Williams y la Loma de la Cruz Center por la Leona  St.

"Vamos a tener las artes y oficios, que van a ir al gimnasio, hacer ejercicio todos los días, que será una faceta integral del programa ya que queremos que nuestros hijos sean en forma, mantenerse en forma y mantenerse saludables", agregó Sánchez en una entrevista exclusiva con su Eagle Pass Noticias Gram, "Es por su propia salud. también tendremos torneos de baloncesto, torneos de billar, torneos ping pong, los niños serán llevados a la piscina, lo único que necesitamos es que los padres que lleven a sus hijos el almuerzo. "

Sánchez ha recordado que la Piscina Municipal se abrirá el 16 de junio, de lunes a sábado desde las 4:00 a 8:00.  Horas de natación para adultos son de 8:00-10:00 los martes.

Summer Program

Registrations begin June 2nd


Jorge Sanchez, Director of Parks and Recreation for The City of Eagle Pass, informed The News Gram of the availability of spaces in this year's new and improved City Summer Program which will be taking place at four different locations all of which will have exciting, fun and most of all healthy activities for the children to participate in from 8:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. starting June 16th through August 8th.

The program is for children ages 6-12 and registration begins June 2nd at the four program locations, the Multi-Purpose Center, the Roy P. Benavides Center on Buckley St., the San Luis Center on Williams and the Loma de la Cruz Center on Leona St. 

The Parks and Recreation Department will also be offering youth swim- ming lessons for kids ages 5 and up. The price is $50.00 per two week-long one hour sessions which run from Mon-Fri for two weeks for one hour per day. There are five levels of mastery and certifications: Starfish, Guppy, Goldfish, Dolphin and Shark.

The programs will run subsequently at the Multi-Purpose Center, the Roy P. Benavides Center on Buckley St., the San Luis Center on Williams and the Loma de la Cruz Center on Leona St. 

"We'll have arts and crafts, they'll go to the gym, exercise everyday which will be an integral facet of the program as we want our children to be fit, stay fit and stay healthy," added Sanchez in an exclusive interview with your Eagle Pass News Gram, "It's for their own health. We will also have basketball tournaments, pool tournaments, ping pong tournaments, the children will be taken to the pool, the only thing we require is for the parents to bring their child lunch."

Sanchez reminded us that the Municipal Pool will open on June 16th on Mondays through Saturday from 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Adult swim hours are from 8:00-10:00 PM on Tuesdays. He says they are expecting anywhere from 200-250 children as they had 70-100 at the Multi-Purpose Center and 40-60 at each of

the centers last year. The cost of the program is $15.00 per week per participant and you can choose any of the four locations which is most convenient to you.

 "We will also have the educational aspect of the program as many entities will be assisting us with presentations for the children to benefit from intellectually as well."


Last modified on Wednesday, 28 May 2014 15:02

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