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Thousands gathered at the ICT this past Sunday for the H.E.B. Feast of Sharing to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings thanks to H.E.B. and a small army of volunteers from around our community. The yearly event highlights our community’s partnerships with local businesses and our local community’s willingness to give. The volunteers and local businesses who give of themselves and their time so that the less fortunate can enjoy a meal deserve the gratitude of all of Eagle Pass.
Texas Secretary of State Hope Andrade today submitted her letter of resignation to Governor Rick Perry effective Friday, November 23, 2012. “It has been the highest honor of my professional life to serve as the Secretary of State for the greatest state in our nation,” said Secretary Andrade. “I am truly humbled by the trust and confidence Governor Perry placed in me nearly four and a half years ago and will forever be grateful for the opportunity to represent Texas in this esteemed office.” Secretary Andrade was sworn in as Texas’ first Latina Secretary of State on July 23, 2008. She will leave office as the fourth-longest serving Secretary of State in Texas history. Prior to serving as Texas Secretary of State, Secretary Andrade served as chair of the Texas Transportation Commission. As Texas’ chief elections officer, Secretary Andrade presided over five successful statewide elections. Under her leadership the Secretary of State’s Office has increased outreach and information resources available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to voters seeking information on voter registration and the elections process. In October 2012, voter registration in Texas reached a record high of nearly 13.65 million registered voters. Secretary Andrade is also proud to have worked with Governor Perry promoting Texas economic development throughout the country and the world. The Secretary of State also serves as senior advisor and liaison to the Governor for Texas Border and Mexican Affairs, and serves as Chief International Protocol Officer for Texas. Secretary Andrade is an entrepreneur, successful business owner and native of San Antonio, where she lives with her husband of more than 40 years.
-Eagle Pass
On Monday, the ICT was the scene for the city’s Thanksgiving feast. The event was held at noon on Monday to unite the employees of all the departments. Ramsey English-Cantú was on hand to oversee the blessing of the meal on behalf of Councilman Luis Sifuentes. The Mayor stated that this meal commemerates a special time to thank everyone for the blessings of this year. The event was held on Monday as opposed to Wednesday as it is has been held in years past. Mayor Cantu released his staff for the rest of the week as they will have the rest of the week off for Thanksgiving and they will not work on Wednesday or Thursday. The only two departments who will work normal work weeks will be the Police Department and the Fire Department. After the festivities, all departments returned to work as normal.
-Eagle Pass
The Eagle Pass Police Department will arrest anyone caught being disorderly after Thanksgiving. Chief of Police Antonio Castañeda said that it will not be permitted that shoppers have a negative attitude or inappropriate behavior during the holiday shopping rush. Police agents will be on hand at stores to monitor that order is adhered and manage the traffic which will be at full capacity. Due to the potential numbers of shoppers, the police department is clear that anyone that shows unsafe behavior will be apprehended. Officers will be on hand to see that all activities are in order. Motorists are asked to be very careful in securing their items in order to avoid any theft. Chief Castaneda also encourages motorists to practice patience behind the wheel.
-Eagle Pass
HEB announced that they had served a total of 6,125 plates at the Feast of Sharing on Sunday at the International Center of Trade. Authorities of the store mentioned that they served a significantly fewer amount of plates this year as opposed to last. They think that the reason is that they have traditionally had the event at CC Winn High School or at Eagle Pass High School as has been the norm over the past few years. The organizers hoped to serve 8,000 plates, however there were fewer served this year.
Según un reporte reciente del Departamento de Seguridad Publica de Texas (DPS) la persona que provocó el accidente automovilistico quien manejaba en estado de ebriedad. la madrugada del sábado, en la carretera a El Indio, donde dos patrullas fueron chocadas, Lo anterior fue informado por el departamento del Sheriff del condado de Maverick, que a través de un comunicado señala que el conductor de la unidad 2012 Chevy Flatbed, fue identificado como Nasario Balderas, como pasajero viajaba Juan Rodolfo Balderas. Según el reporte esta camioneta Chevy 2012, Flat Bed, impactó por la parte trasera la patrulla del Diputado del Contestable del Precinto 1, Martin Cantu, y también una patrulla del Sheriff que estaban a orillas de la carretera luego de haber detenido a un auto 2001 chevrolet, por una infracción menor de trafico. Por fortuna no hubo heridos de gravedad, según el reporte los oficiales de la ley se encontraban fuera de sus unidades, al momento del choque. Sin embargo los daños materiales fueron cuantiosos. El reporte indica que la unidad 2012 Chevy viajaba a alta velocidad al momento de impactar a las patrullas. El accidente ocurrió el sábado, aproximadamente a las 3:40 am, en la carretera a El Indio, al sur de Eagle Pass, cerca de la intersección con el Old Pioner Road. El accidente aun esta bajo investigación por parte del DPS.
El Departamento de Policía de Eagle Pass solicitará casi 100 asientos de seguridad para niños para ser entregados a familias de la localidad que lo soliciten. Estos asientos son donados por varias empresas, entre ellas agencias de seguros, que les interesa promover que los niños vayan seguros al momento de viajar en automovil. Por ley todos los pasajeros de un auto deben de ir sujetados, mucho mas los niños. Arturo Rivera, Oficial Protector, del departamento de policía de Eagle Pass, informó que en verano el departamento recibió una donación de varios asientos los cuales son para menores desde 1 día de nacido hasta que pesan menos de 50 libras. Por años el departamento de policía de Eagle Pass ha desarrollado un programa para entregar asientos, pero antes la familia que los reciba deben de recibir un cursos sobre como usarlos correctamente. Inclusive 60 de esos asientos fueron donados al municipio de Nava, Coahuila. Sin embargo se agotaron y ahora el departamento espera recibir mas donativos y poderlos entregar durante la primera semana de diciembre. El Oficial Rivera dijo que esta comprobado que el cinturón o asiento de seguridad ayudan para prevenir muertes o lesiones graves en caso de algún accidente automovilistico, por eso la policía local busca fomentar que todos los pasajeros los usen, especialmente los niños.
El Sargento Alejandro Guedea, del departamento de Policía de Eagle Pass, informó que un total de 29 cadetes se preparan para graduar de la Academia de Policía este próximo 6 de diciembre, en un evento que se realizará en el Auditorio de la C.C. Winn. Comentó que en Eagle Pass graduarán el mismo numero de alumnos que se registraron al iniciar el curso el pasado mes de enero, entre ellos hay 6 mujeres, que con mucho orgullo quieren ser oficiales de la ley. Informó que los alumnos practicamente se están preparando para el examen final que se aplicará el día 4, y los que aprueben se podrán graduar el 6 de diciembre. El Sargento Guedea mencionó que en Uvalde también graduará un grupo de 20 cadetes. Dijo que el curso duró todo el años y los cadetes fueron preparados para conocer los mas básico y los mas avanzado en todo lo relacionado al trabajo de un oficial de la ley. Informó que los graduados recibirán la certificación estatal como oficiales de la Ley y podrán desempeñarse como oficiales en cualquier corporación tanto local, estatal o federal. Dijo que esta academia de policía local ha dado buenos resultados y a la fecha ya son varias las generaciones que han graduado como muy buenos resultados.
-Eagle Pass
In the special meeting of the EPISD Board of Trustees held on Wednesday, the newly elected members of the board were introduced and immediately took their places and began working. Claudio Heredia is the new member for Place 1, Ignacio Saucedo now holds Place 2, Hector Alvarez is in Place 6 and Glenna Purcell was re-elected to Place 7.