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A.D. Ibarra
-Del Rio, TX
     Dozens of prosecutors, court reporters, attorneys and US Marshals awaited the 9:00 A.M. re-arraignment/docket call on Tuesday in The Honorable Alia Moses' Western District of Texas Courtroom 1 at the United States Federal Court House in Del Rio.
     Two cases stemming from Maverick County's list of five a few weeks ago which included those for Eliaz Maldonado, David Gelacio and Javier Gonzalez were not on the docket, however those for former County Auditor's Office employee Juan Carlos Moncada and former County Commissioner Cesar Flores were.
     One by one cases for those in custody were called to appear before Eagle Pass' Moses while an eery sound interference mechanism, something reminiscent of the noise emitted from a television with no reception filled the large room as attorneys deliberated at her desk.  Judge Moses would have the mechanism shut off periodically to inform the defendants and their counsel of either their plea date or their trial date.
     At 9:46, Moses called for those attorneys in the case of Juan Carlos Moncada to step forward and Michael Galdo announced himself to the judge on behalf of the United States followed by Gregory Torres for the defense.
     It took the three a total of three minutes to hear out Torres motion to dismiss the case without a set date for Judge Moses to make a ruling, however, it is speculated that this is what transpired as The Honorable Judge called out the next case number of Marco Antonio Cervantes, the next case on the docket which resulted in the defendant not appearing in court.  A warrant was issued for failure to appear in court and bond was rescinded.
     When Cesar Flores' case number was called at 9:51, again Galdo rose on behalf of the US and attorney Roy Barrera did the same for Flores.  The former commissioner stood stoically behind what could be considered gates which allow one entry to the confines of the courtroom itself while counsel asked to approach the bench.
     The deliberation in this case took significantly longer than Moncada's as, prior to the attorneys approaching the judge's bench, Judge Moses asked the defense attorney if May 21st would be enough time for him to prepare his case to which he responded 'No'.  When asked why, Barrera quickly and steadfastly responded negatively citing that he had not yet received what he termed the 'Discovery' in this case. 
     What this is is the evidence gathered by the Federal Government against the defendant which must, however not in all cases, as we saw in the case of Rodolfo Heredia where transcripts of recorder telephone conversations were not released to his attorneys.
     Whatever the case may be in this matter, it took Judge Moses a little over five minutes to set a July 9th court date for Flores who will indeed be contesting the charges before him before a jury.

     Immediately after this announcement, Flores and his attorney were excused and exited the courtroom together. 














A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
     The groundbreaking, if you will, was held to officially commence what will be the new facade of the first International Bridge Port of Entry which as eloquently informed by Mayor Ramsey English-Cantu, got its last official makeover in 1968 following the devastation of the Flood of 1954 which called for the reconstruction of the EP-PN Bridge which was built in 1927 and was built by Francisco Estrada and managed by Manuel Olivares.
     In 1947, the bridge was purchased by the City of Eagle Pass for $320,000.00 with government bonds.
     When the bridge was damaged by the flood, the Uastin Bridge Company out of Dallas and Collins Construction out of San Antonio took on the project which was completed in 1968 including the new bridge and administrative offices.
     In 1999, the Bridge Enterprise System became an official department under the City of Eagle Pass City Council.
     "Now we come together 45 years later to incorporate the original dome-shaped feature of the original facade in this new design (Which appeared in Sunday's issue of your Eagle Pass News Gram)  from the 1920's."
     Cantu added that the project would take approximately 75 days to complete and will not interfere with the day to day operations of the bridge.
     Mario Diaz International Bridge System Director, informed The News Gram that this is an extension of what the Main Street Project has been trying to accomplish with their facade improvement program, "This project goes along with the facade program downtown.  We took this design to the Texas Historical Commission and they were pleased with the results so we are moving forward."

     Diaz also informed us that this project involves only aesthetics which will in no way improve the function of the system or affect positively or negatively the flow of traffic.      City Manager Gloria Barrientos thanked the media for their support and provided insight as to the significance of both bridges to the  City's financial standing, "The bridges are a great support for general  revenue and allows us to maintain our low tax rates."      When asked how the project would be paid for, Barrientos  mentioned that it would be taken care of through bonds approved by City  Council which were rated high due to the fact that we have two bridges  which provide a steady source of income, a luxury not many other  municipalities in the country can count on.



A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


Jorge Barrera, Director of Eagle Pass Water Works, informed The News Gram of a two-pronged project which stems from an $8.2 million grant which will greatly improve the system by which Eagle Pass water users receive the life-giving resource.

The first, Barrera said, will be the installation of a new type of radio read meter which will be able to be read by remote control in a drive-by setting.

The new technology is the latest trend in municipal water operation equipment which will vastly modernize our existing system.

The other measure will be the design, planning and changing out of the cast iron pipelines underneath our city and to replace them with the more practical, longer-lasting PVC type pipes which will be installed in phases this year.

The cast iron pipes, which have been in place for almost a hundred years have served their purpose and will be replaced by the more practical PVC pipe as the EPWW System have been called upon to repair broken pipelines which both run at an expensive rate and force workers to break into paved roads to access the broken lines.





A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


State Representative Alfonso Nevarez welcomed family, friends and colleagues to his new offices located on the premises of La Mansion on Williams Street in Eagle Pass.

"I feel welcomed because so many of my family and friends are here, because I consider all of you my friends and many of you my mentors," the newly elected representative eloquently stated in his brief address.

Nevarez was equally introduced by Chamber of Commerce President Billy Davis who expressed our collective pride in having him as our voice in Austin with an amazingly accurate analogy, "Leaders are like Eagles, they don't flock, you find them one at a time," before bringing on the legislator to address the gathering as he introduced us to his colleagues in Austin which include Chief of Staff Obie Salinas, who said, "I feel like today, this ceremony signifies so much for District 74," which Nevarez said if it were a state, it would be the 38th largest in the United States, "And for Eagle Pass and Maverick County constituents having their representative here will do really good things for the community.  We welcome anyone to come by our offices or call (512) 463-0566."

Lauren Cacheaux, Nevarez' General Counsel who helps prepare him to propose his legislation before committees, was also on hand to greet well-wishers and to inform The News Gram of their collective accolades, accomplishments and achievements.  Cacheaux, an attorney who hails from Mc Allen said that her greatest satisfaction thus far in her short time in Nevarez' office is having participated in the passing of HB 5 regarding public education.

     "What it does is it reduces the amount of over-testing which occurs over the course of the school year," stated the General Counsel who also meets with lobbyists and reads over legislation that may affect our district, "It also gives more flexibility to students to choose an extra elective and not be held to the exorbitant amount of required courses they must enroll in."

     Jay Jackson, Nevarez' Legislative aide from Fort Worth, is a Political Science and Communications major at Stephen F. Austin University in Nacodoches, says he ties up loose ends for the State Representative and also does a lot of reading of legislation.  When asked what his studies have focused on in this day and age of economic issues, Jackson mentioned that he is learning a lot about water which, he says is not talked about much in the scope of his classes, but which is a vital, dare I say critical issue across the state and around the world which needs to be taken into serious consideration by legislators everywhere.

     Nevarez informed The News Gram that this week he was steadfast in rallying his support against the voucher system, "I am against the use of public funds for private schools.  I went to a private school. but I don't believe taxpayer's money should fund private education."

     "Yesterday was a long day of arguing budget," stated Nevarez, "But a very important day for all of us," he closed by saying, "Welcome to my office."




-Eagle Pass


The South Texas Blood and Tissue Center was in Eagle Pass this Thursday to conduct a community blood drive where they hoped to collect at least 25 units of blood from local donors. According to Lisa Guzman of the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center, this drive is one of at least four visits from the center to Eagle Pass which contributes to the incredibly important cause of collecting much needed blood for people who are in need. Guzman added that Eagle Pass has always been important in the center's on going mission to collect blood and says that our local high schools and college are paramount in their blood drive efforts. "We need a lot of units to support the hospitals in south Texas and the local students do a very good job of donating and account for 20% of the blood that we collect per year."

The center will be back in Eagle Pass to visit C.C Winn High School next week where they hope to collect many more units of blood.

Mayra Murray, a local registered nurse was also on hand at the blood drive and contributed in coordinating the drive and added, "this is a great way for local community members to contribute and feel important in their own community". 

Clarissa Morales Bejerano, a local donor was on hand donating blood and stated that the reason she came to the blood drive is because she wants to give back to her community and save lives. 

Donors were treated to a T-shirt, a mini-physical, a 10$ gift card and a chance to win a Donor Getaway package.



Local man Elias Hernandez, 63 years old, was sentenced this Tuesday to 15 years for the sexual assault of a female minor here in Maverick County which occurred during the month of February of 2012. District Attorney Roberto Serna stated that this type of an individual is a danger to our children and that time in prison is the only form of justice. Serna further added that Hernandez will be carrying out the complete sentence and there will likely not to be any chance for him to be released before the his sentence is completely carried out.

Roberto Serna also informed The News Gram that in light of the recent Kauffman County DA shooting there have not been any specific procedural changes to security at the District Attorney's office. Serna noted that that case seems to be an isolated incident of retaliation and there have not been different security procedures put in place but assures that the District Attorney's office is and continues to be a secure and safe facility.


A.D. Ibarra

-Loma Bonita


A public forum was held on Tuesday where US Border Patrol officials were on hand along with Tom Schmerber, Maverick County Sheriff, Mexican Consulate Ricardo Santana, Constable Jose Regalado, Sergio Angulo, new Parks Director at the Nick Carr Sports Complex, Apolonio Rodriguez, Road and Bridge Director among others with new County Commissioner Robert Ruiz to allow citizens the opportunity to ask questions and/or voice concerns with a forum of experts there to answer their questions.

Ruiz gave credit to Enrique Ramos for the idea of coming out on this day to publicly address situations which are of major concern to the people who live in and around the area.

Mexican Consulate Santana stated, "I think this is an excellent idea in order to address the needs of the people which we represent," while reminding the gathering that he has proudly been in his position for the past five years.

He also mentioned that as we speak, there has been no major reform in migratory laws which concern his office, President Obama, however has implemented a viable program to address the needs of students aged 14-30 who wish to study at American colleges and universities which has been very successful and helpful to those who qualify.

Consul Santana also reminded those Mexican nationals in our country to file their income taxes and that his office can assist them free of charge to do so.

Commissioner Ruiz turned the microphone over to the public, many of whom voiced very serious concerns which were heard and noted by the panel.


A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass


in their regular meeting held on Tuesday, the Eagle Pass City Council handled all items on their agenda and were unable to complete interviews for the vacant position of city manager which we were told has been tabled until next week as Tuesday night's meeting ran a little long on time. In reference to the vacancy in the Eagle Pass police Department, what is being planned is to have someone in that position within the next two weeks who has prior experience in the position and who will be part of the process which they are hoping to use to assist the city in formally filling the position. This interim chief may come from an association of former police chiefs who are willing to come in and take over a department while the application and interview process is complete while checking standard operating procedures in order to maintain the integrity of law enforcement throughout the hiring process. Such a person could in fact make recommendations as to how to make changes in standard operating procedures which would be like having a consultant in the position who at the same time is doing the job on an interim basis. The News Gram recalls that Eagle Pass once had a chief from out of town by the last name of Mendiola who was named by then city manager Oscar Rodriguez approximately 20 years ago who was chief just before the hiring of Antonio Castañeda.


Brian Shae, Eagle Pass Planning Director was on hand at this week's City Council meeting to receive a proclamation dedicated to Fair Housing Month which will be observed in April. Mayor Cantu presented the proclamation to Mr. Shae and stated that fair housing is a fundamental human concept and entitlement for all Americans and urged all community members to become aware of and support the fair housing law.


Jessica Sanchez, who received a Tejano Music Award this past year was given a proclamation for her accomplishment and for being a true ambassador for the City of Eagle Pass. Her family and friends were on hand at the City Council meeting on Tuesday to witness the official reading of the proclamation.

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