David Venegas

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Este jueves el Superintendente del Distrito Escolar, Gilberto González, acompañado del personal administrativo y miembro de la Mesa Directiva se reunieron con los profesores para darles la bienvenida y estar listos para el regreso a clases que será este lunes 27 de agosto.




-Eagle Pass



This Thursday marked the beginning of the school year for thousands of EPISD employees as they were required to descend on the Sports Complex Gymnasium where board members and administration welcomed them back in order to re-focus and prepare for the 2012-13 campaign.

Thirteen schools meet rigorous AYP specifications

Monday, 20 August 2012 21:43 Published in August 2012

 A.D. Ibarra

 -Eagle Pass


Thirteen EPISD schools met Adequate Yearly Progress as far as Texas Agency Requirements go and of the ten schools who did not meet the new requirements of 87% or more of their students did not meet either the minimum requirements in reading, mathematics, or both.

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